Call Number (LC) Title Results
TK1811 .M5 Power system operation
Power system operation /
TK1896 Engineered polymer nanocomposites for energy harvesting applications 1
TK2000 Special electric machines /
Fundamentals of electric machines : a primer with MATLAB /
Machinery Electronics and Control Engineering IV : Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 4th International Conference on Machinery Electronics and Control Engineering (ICMECE 2014), November 8-9, 2014, Qingdao, Shandong, China /
Design and electromagnetic feature analysis of AC rotating machines /
Practical control of electric machines model-based design and simulation /
ELECTRIMACS 2022 : selected papers.
TK2000 .B6 1962 Elektrische maschinen : eine einfüherung in die grundlagen / 1
TK2000 .B65 2013eb Linear electric machines, drives, and MAGLEVs handbook /
Linear electric machines, drives, and MAGLEVs handbook
TK2000 .C3 Electric machinery : a coordinated presentation of a-c and d-c machines. 1
TK2000 .C35 2017eb Contribution to the winding theory : Introduction of a unified method for the treatment of winding topology. 1
TK2000 .C44 2023  
TK2000 .C46 1985 Electric machinery fundamentals / 1
TK2000 .C46 2005 Electric machinery fundamentals / 1
TK2000 .C48 1986 Electric machinery / 1
TK2000 .C66 2004eb Selected papers from the 16th International Conference on Electrical Machines ICEM 2004, Cracow, Poland / 1
TK2000 .C67 1994 Curso moderno de máquinas eléctricas rotativas / 1
TK2000 .E37 1995 Electric and magnetic fields : from numerical models to industrial applications / 1
TK2000 .E38115 1986 Principles of electric machines with power electronic applications / 1
TK2000 .E38115 2002 Principles of electric machines with power electronic applications
Principles of electric machines with power electronic applications /
TK2000 .E56 1982 Static and rotating electromagnetic devices / 1
TK2000 E775 2004eb Problemas resueltos de máquinas eléctricas rotativas / 1
TK2000 .F545 2019eb The integrated electro-mechanical drive : a mechatronic approach / 1
TK2000 .G66 2012 Electrical machines with MATLAB /
Electrical machines with MATLAB