Call Number (LC) Title Results
TK2980 .Z58 2010eb Energy storage : a new approach / 1
TK2980 .Z58 2019 Energy storage : a new approach / 2
TK2985 Superconducting magnetic energy storage in power grids / 1
TK2985 .M65 2023 Superconducting magnetic energy storage systems (SMES) for distributed supply networks / 1
TK2986 Foundations of pulsed power technology / 2
TK2986 .A763 2017 High-Repeatable Data Acquisition Systems for Pulsed Power Converters. 1
TK2986 .B58 2006eb Pulsed power systems principles and applications / 1
TK2986 .E96 2011 Explosive Pulsed Power. 1
TK2986 .E97 2005eb Explosively driven pulsed power helical magnetic flux compression generators / 1
TK2986 .M37 1996 J.C. Martin on pulsed power 1
TK2986 .M47 2005eb Pulsed power 1
TK2986 .S58 2019 Explosive ferroelectric generators : from physical principles to engineering / 1
TK3001 Electrical distribution systems /
Transmission network investment in liberalized power markets
Electrical power distribution : case studies from Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Program /
Power system fundamentals /
Integration of distributed energy resources in power systems : implementation, operation and control /
UHV transmission technology /
Hierarchical power systems : optimal operation using grid flexibilities /
DC/AC electrical fundamentals /
Wireless power transfer via radiowaves /
Advances in energy system optimization : proceedings of the first International Symposium on Energy System Optimization /
Compel - the international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, volume 34-3 : modelling of magnetic.
Electric power distribution handbook /
Micro-nanoelectronics devices : modeling of diffusion and operation processes /
Spectral, convolution and numerical techniques in circuit theory /
Electric distribution network planning /
Electric distribution network management and control /
Superconductors in the power grid : materials and applications /
Smart operation for power distribution systems : concepts and applications /
Handbook of power systems engineering with power electronics applications.
Elegant Circuits.
Small is profitable : the hidden economic benefits of making electrical resources the right size /
Guide to electrical power distribution system /
Energy IoT Architecture
Electrical distribution engineering /
Power transmission and distribution /
Electric distribution systems /
Energy positive neighborhoods and smart energy districts : methods, tools, and experiences from the field /
Active power line conditioners : design, simulation and implementation for improving power quality /
Application of time-synchronized measurements in power system transmission networks /
Eco-friendly innovations in electricity transmission and distribution networks /
Circuit oriented electromagnetic modeling using the PEEC techniques /
Modular load flow for restructured power systems /
Electricity distribution : intelligent solutions for electricity transmission and distribution networks /
The electricity grid in Indonesia the experiences of end-users and their attitudes toward solar photovoltaics /
Handbook of optimization in electric power distribution systems
Planning and control of expandable multi-terminal VSC-HVDC transmission systems
The partial element equivalent circuit method for electro-magnetic and circuit problems : a paradigm for EM modeling /
Advances in energy system optimization : proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Energy System Optimization /
Synchrophasor technology : real-time operation of power networks /
Custom power devices for efficient distributed energy systems
Auswirkungen der Netzintegration von Windkraftanlagen auf die Spannungsstabilität im Nördlichen Verbundsystem Chiles /
Converter-based dynamics and control of modern power systems
Uncertainties in modern power systems /
Transmission expansion planning : the network challenges of the energy /
Frequency-Domain Characterization of Board and Package-Level Power Distribution Networks.
Electric power grid reliability evaluation : models and methods /
Tk3001 Behind and beyond the meter digitalization, aggregation, optimization, monetization / 1
TK3001 .A2 1907 The electrical transmission of energy. : A manual for the design of electrical circuits / 1
TK3001 .A48 2023  
TK3001 .A73 2023 Hierarchical power systems : optimal operation using grid flexibilities / 1
TK3001 .B27 Fundamentals of circuit theory. 1
TK3001 .B34 2004 Estimating the benefits of the GridWise Initiative : phase I report / 1
TK3001 .B39 2011eb Transmission and distribution electrical engineering
Transmission and distribution electrical engineering.