Call Number (LC) Title Results
TK4169 .I23 2002 IESNA standard file format for electronic transfer of photometric data and related information / 1
TK4169 .L54 1994 The lighting design process. 1
TK4169 .L54 2006 Lighting for hospitals and health care facilities / 1
TK4169 .T7 Electrical design for building construction / 2
TK4175 Lighting redesign for existing buildings /
Interior Lighting for Designers.
TK4175 .G67 2003 Interior lighting for designers / 1
TK4175 .H45 Illumination engineering for energy efficient luminous environments / 1
TK4175 .I438 1977 Classification of interior luminaires by distribution : luminaire spacing criterion. 1
TK4175 .J65 1999 The art of illumination : residential lighting design / 1
TK4175 .L48 Leukos : the journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America. 1
TK4175 .N82 Interior lighting for environmental designers / 1
TK4175 .N82 1983 Interior lighting for environmental designers / 1
TK4175 .N82 1995 Interior lighting for designers / 1
TK4175 .N82 2003 Interior lighting for designers / 1
TK4175 .W4 Artificial light and its application. 1
TK4175 .W45 1996 Lighten up! : a practical guide to residential lighting / 1
TK4188 Road lighting : fundamentals, technology and application / 1
TK4188 .A43 2000 American national standard practice for roadway lighting / 1
TK4188 .A44 1999 American national standard for high-mast side-mounted luminaires for horizontal- or vertical-burning high-intensity-discharge lamps used in roadway lighting equipment / 1
TK4188 .A53 1990 American national standard for roadway lighting-- enclosed post top-mounted luminaires / 1