Call Number (LC) Title Results
TK4386 .I37638 2011 IES approved method for the electrical and photometric measurements of single-ended compact fluorescent lamps / 1
TK4386 .I38 1998 Approved method for photometric testing of indoor fluorescent luminaires / 1
TK4386 .I46 1991 IES guide for laboratory or field thermal measurements of fluorescent lamps and ballasts in luminaires / 1
TK4386 .U54 1996 Understanding and controlling the effects of temperature on fluorescent lamp systems / 1
TK4388 Reliability investigation of LED devices for public light applications /
Make : make it glow : LED projects for the whole family /
Arduino : building exciting LED based projects and espionage devices : transform your tiny device into a secret agent gadget by designing and building fantastic devices and creative LED-based projects using the Arduino platform : a course in three modules.
LED lighting for urban agriculture
Freeform optics for LED packages and applications /
TK4388 .M24 2015eb Wirtschaftlichkeit von LED-Leuchten : Methode zum Vergleich von LED-Leuchten und Leuchten mit Leuchtstofflampen / 1
TK4399.A8 L54 1997 Lighting for automated teller machines / 1
TK4399.E5 Lighting guide 12 : emergency lighting / 1
TK4399.E5 L54 2006eb Lighting guide 12 : emergency lighting design guide. 1
TK4399.E5 L96 1992 Emergency lighting for industrial, commercial, and residential premises /
Emergency lighting : for industrial, commercial, and residential premises /
TK4399.E5 W38 2012eb A guide to emergency lighting 1
TK4399.F2 Lighting upgrades : a guide for facility managers / 2
TK4399.F2 A64 2007 Field guide to illumination /
Field guide to illumination
TK4399.F2 F48 1998 The handbook of lighting surveys & audits / 1
TK4399.F2 F48 1998eb The handbook of lighting surveys & audits / 1
TK4399.F2 F74 Industrial lighting systems / 1
TK4399.F2 F74 1980 Industrial lighting systems / 1
TK4399.F2 L54 2016eb Lighting guide 14 : control of electric lighting. 1
TK4399.F2 L96 1981eb Handbook of industrial lighting / 1
TK4399.F55 I37 2002 IESNA approved method for photometric testing of floodlights using high intensity discharge or incandescent filament lamps / 1