Call Number (LC) Title Results
TK5101 .B86 BBC-RD-1971/14 Pulse code modulation of video signals : parallel-to-serial and serial-to-parallel conversion. 1
TK5101 .B86 BBC-RD-1971/16 A brief investigation into the permissible amplitude modulation of a u.h.f. television sound carrier. 1
TK5101 .B86 BBC-RD-1971/17 Active aerial arrays : reciprocity. 1
TK5101 .B86 BBC-RD-1971/19 Satellite broadcasting : co-channel protection ratios for f.m. television. 1
TK5101 .B86 BBC-RD-1971/25 Satellite broadcasting : possible advantages of using digital modulation for television. 1
TK5101 .B86 BBC-RD-1971/27 A theoretical model of a colour television display for the assessment of random noise. 1
TK5101 .B86 BBC-RD-1971/30 An experimental quadrature modulation system for video signals. 1
TK5101 .B86 BBC-RD-1971/31 Long distance tropospheric propagation measurements at U.H.F. over mixed land and sea paths crossing the English Channel. 1
TK5101 .B86 BBC-RD-1971/32 A feasibility study of an adaptive receiving system for U.H.F. television. 1
TK5101 .B86 BBC-RD-1971/33 U.H.F. relay station aerials : the compensation of a 914mm diameter aerial cylinder by means of an inductive grating. 1
TK5101 .B86 BBC-RD-1971/34 Channel 21 television transmissions : interference to services below 470 MHz. 1
TK5101 .B86 BBC-RD-1971/35 Protection ratios for 625-line system I television transmissions, impaired by interfering frequency-modulated television signals / 1
TK5101 .B86 BBC-RD-1971/39 The propagation constant of the Beverage aerial. 1
TK5101 .B86 BBC-RD-1972/1 A medium-wave field-strength measuring receiver. 1
TK5101 B86 BBC-RD-1972/2 Field-store standards conversion : Colour operation of the Mk. 2B (CO6/508) convertor/synchroniser. 1
TK5101 .B86 BBC-RD-1972/6 U.H.F. medium distance tropospheric propagation measurements over the English Channel. 1
TK5101 .B86 BBC-RD-1972/11 H.F. radio links : the feasibility of an automatic equaliser for correcting amplitude/frequency response distortion. 1
TK5101 .B86 BBC-RD-1972/23 L.F. and M.F. Propagation : a study of ionospheric cross-modulation measurements. 1
TK5101 .B86 BBC-RD-1972/25 Loudspeaker distortion associated with low-frequency signals. 1
TK5101 .B86 BBC-RD-1972/26 Sound-quality improvement of broadcast telephone calls. 1