Call Number (LC) Title Results
TK5105.8868.Y68 G67 2019 YouTube : illegally tracking children's data / 1
TK5105.8868.Y68 K89 2014 YouTube : Spaß und Erfolg mit Online-Videos / 1
TK5105.8868.Y68 L37 2008 YouTube : an insider's guide to climbing the charts / 1
TK5105.8868.Y68 M45 2007 YouTube 4 you / 1
TK5105.8868.Y68 S24 2007eb Youtube for dummies / 1
TK5105.887 Take control of podcasting (2.0) /
Turn up the volume : a down and dirty guide to podcasting /
Stream processing with Apache Kafka /
Podcasting /
TV outside the box : trailblazing in the digital television revolution /
Publish/subscribe systems : design and principles /
IP multicast.
IP Multicast.
Podcasting : Konzept, Produktion, Vermarktung /
Podcasting for dummies /
IPTV delivery networks : next generation architectures for live and video-on-demand services /
The podcaster's audio handbook : a technical guide for creative people /
Cord cutting /
IP Multicast Fundamentals /
Linear and non-linear video and TV applications using IPv6 and IPv6 multicast deploying the infrastructure to deliver evolving next-generation TV and video services /
Planning and designing the IP broadcast facility : a new puzzle to solve /
Podcasting for Profit : a Proven 7-Step Plan to Help Individuals and Businesses Generate Income Through Audio and Video Podcasting.
Podcasting : Schritt für Schritt zum eigenen Podcast /
Parametric packet-based audiovisual quality model for IPTV services /
The podcaster's audio handbook a technical guide for creative people /
Twitch /
Publish/subscribe systems design and principles /
La nueva era del pódcast : claves y tendencias de la industria del podcasting y el arte de crear contenido en audio /
TK5105.887 .B56 2010 3D and HD Broadband Video Networking. 1
TK5105.887 .B68 2020 Sound streams : a cultural history of radio-Internet convergence / 1
TK5105.887 .C47 1998eb Delivering push / 1
TK5105.887 .C65 2005 Absolute beginner's guide to podcasting / 2
TK5105.887 .D34 2006 Podcasting now! : audio your way / 2
TK5105.887 .F37 2006eb Secrets of podcasting : audio blogging for the masses / 1
TK5105.887 .F44 2006 Hands-on guide to video blogging and podcasting / 1
TK5105.887 .F44 2006eb Hands-on guide to video blogging and podcasting 1
TK5105.887 .G46 2005eb Podcast solutions : the complete guide to podcasting /
Podcast solutions the complete guide to podcasting /
TK5105.887 .G46 2007eb Podcast solutions : the complete guide to audio and video podcasting /
Podcast solutions the complete guide to audio and video podcasting /
TK5105.887 .G66 1999eb IP multicasting : concepts and applications / 1
TK5105.887 H36 2008eb Handbook of mobile broadcasting DVB-H, DMB, iSDB-T, and mediaflo / 2
TK5105.887 .H37 2003 Multicast and group security / 1
TK5105.887 .H37 2003eb Multicast and group security
Multicast and group security /