Call Number (LC) Title Results
TK6562.F2 Low power FM / 1
TK6562.F2 N37 1975b NILECJ standard for personal/portable FM transmitters : a voluntary national standard promulgated by the National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. 1
TK6562.P32 D68 2009 Radio technologies and concepts for IMT-Advanced /
Radio technologies and concepts for IMT-Advanced
TK6562.P32 R33 2009eb  
TK6562.S5 H36 1999 Handbook, HF broadcasting system design. 1
TK6562.S5 M37 1987 HF communications a systems approach / 2
TK6562.S5 M48 1993 Meteor burst communications : theory and practice / 1
TK6562.S5 S35 1993 Meteor burst communications : theory and practice / 1
TK6562.S7 B73 1994 AM stereo and the FCC : case study of a marketplace shibboleth / 2
TK6562.V3 R33 1962 RCA transmitting tubes to 4 KW plate input. 1
TK6563 Radio receiver technology : principles, architectures, and applications /
Communications Receivers, Fourth Edition /
Radio receivers for systems of fixed and mobile communications /
BDS/GPS dual-mode software receiver principles and implementation technology /
Wireless, the crucial decade : history of the British wireless industry 1924-34 /
TK6563 .B88 1990 Wireless, the crucial decade : history of the British wireless industry 1924-34 / 1
TK6563 .C37 2001eb The technician's radio receiver handbook wireless and telecommunication technology / 1
TK6563 .D74 2010 Modern communications receiver design and technology /
Modern Communications Receiver Design and Technology.
TK6563 .I2 IRE transactions on broadcast and television receivers.
IEEE transactions on consumer electronics.
IEEE transactions on broadcast and television receivers.
Transactions of the I.R.E. Professional Group on Broadcast and Television Receivers.
TK6563 .I58 International Conference on Radio Receivers and Associated Systems. 1
TK6563 .I6 International Conference on Radio Receivers and Associated Systems. 1
TK6563 .J367 2002eb CMOS cellular receiver front-ends : from specification to realization / 3
TK6563 .J65 2011eb Software receiver design : build your own digital communications system in five easy steps / 1
TK6563 .L34 1952A Radiotron designer's handbook. 1