Call Number (LC) Title Results
TK6575 .S5 Microwave duplexers / 1
TK6575 .S5 1964 Microwave duplexers / 1
TK6575 .S56 2019 Short-range micro-motion sensing with radar technology / 1
TK6575 .S82 2000 Microwave radar : imaging and advanced concepts / 1
TK6575 .S823 2004 Radar foundations for imaging and advanced concepts / 1
TK6575 .T3 1948a Principles of radar / 1
TK6575 .T66 1989 Radar principles for the non-specialist / 1
TK6575 .T66 2004 Radar principles for the non-specialist / 1
TK6575 .T95 1985 Communication and radar systems / 1
TK6575 .V283 Sophisticated signals and the uncertainty principle in radar / 1
TK6575 .V3 1964 Microwave receivers / 1
TK6575 .W355 2010 The Adlard Coles Book of Radar. 1
TK6575 .W38 2019 Non-line-of-sight radar / 1
TK6575 .W55 2006 ELINT : the interception and analysis of radar signals / 1
TK6575 .W55 2006eb ELINT the interception and analysis of radar signals /
ELINT : the Interception and Analysis of Radar Signals.
TK6575 .W578 2001 Radar techniques using array antennas / 1
TK6575 .W578 2001eb Radar techniques using array antennas 1
TK6575 .W6 1964 Probability and information theory : with applications to radar / 1
TK6575.582 .S84 2004 Radar foundations for imaging and advanced concepts / 1
TK6576 .D46 2007 Blip, ping & buzz : making sense of radar and sonar / 3