Call Number (LC) Title Results
TK7715 .I55 LM-82-12 IES approved method for characterization of LED light engines and LED lamps for electrical and photometric properties as a function of temperature / 1
TK7725 Electrochemistry of dihydroxybenzene compounds : carbon based electrodes and their uses in synthesis and sensors /
Novel embedded metal-mesh transparent electrodes vacuum-free fabrication strategies and applications in flexible electronic devices /
TK7725 .C37 2014  
TK7725 .E44 1971 Electrode receptacles for gas-tube signs. 1
TK7725 .N3 1922 The Carbon electrode / 1
TK7781.8 .M42 1991 HDTV sound : programme production developments / 1
TK7800 Flexible electronics materials and applications /
Large area and flexible electronics /
Large area and flexible electronics
Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics
TK7800-8360 Quality and Reliability of Technical Systems Theory, Practice, Management /
Polycrystalline Semiconductors : Grain Boundaries and Interfaces /
Soft computing in industrial electronics /
Magnetic Bubble Technology
Industrial instrumentation principles and design /
Aerospace Sensor Systems and Applications
Thermoelectrics Basic Principles and New Materials Developments /
Reliability of Optical Fibres and Components Final Report of COST 246 /
Insulation measurement and supervision in live AC and DC unearthed systems /
Electronic Properties of Materials
Electromagnetic Devices for Motion Control and Signal Processing
TK7800 .A22 AEÜ : Archiv für Elektronik und Übertragungstechnik. 1
TK7800 .A37 Photo-electronic image devices.
Advances in imaging and electron physics.
Advances in electronics.
Advances in electronics and electron physics.
Advances in electronics and electron physics
TK7800 .A37 1999eb Advances in imaging and electron physics / 1
TK7800 .A37 2002eb Microscopy, spectroscopy, holography and crystallography with electrons 1
TK7800 .A37 2007eb Electron emission physics /
Advances in imaging and electron physics.
TK7800.A37 2009 Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics : The scanning transmission electron Microscope. 1
TK7800 .A37 2009eb Advances in imaging and electron physics. 1
TK7800 .A37 2010eb Advances in imaging and electron physics. 1
TK7800 .A37 2012eb Neutron and X-Ray microscopy. 1
TK7800.A37 2016 Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics. 1
TK7800 .A37eb vol. 69 Advances in electronics and electron physics. 1
TK7800 .A37eb vol. 72 Advances in electronics and electron physics. 1