Call Number (LC) Title Results
TK7871.6 .C48 2001e Fundamentals of antennas concepts and applications / 2
TK7871.6 .C5 1984 Corrugated horns for microwave antennas / 1
TK7871.6 .C53 1987 Analiz i sintez antennykh reshetok / 1
TK7871.6 C54 2015 Substrate integrated antennas and arrays / 3
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TK7871.6 .C6 Antenna theory / 1
TK7871.6 .C62 1985 Antennas and radiowave propagation / 1
TK7871.6 .C626 2011 Compact antennas for wireless communications and terminals : theory and design / 1
TK7871.6 .C626 2011eb Compact antennas for wireless communications and terminals theory and design /
Compact antennas for wireless communications and terminals : theory and design /
TK7871.6 .C63 1987 Computer techniques for electromagnetics / 1
TK7871.6 .C67 1990 Four-arm spiral antennas / 1
TK7871.6 .C673 2013 Design of reconfigurable antennas using graph models 1
TK7871.6 .D38 2018 Antennas and radar for environmental scientists and engineers / 1
TK7871.6 .D42 Design & construction of large steerable aerials. 1
TK7871.6 .D46 1984 Diagrammes d'antennes : réseaux de doublets horizontaux, antennes losanges horizontales = Antenna diagrams : arrays of horizontal dipoles, horizontal rhombics. 1
TK7871.6 .D46 2019eb Developments in antenna analysis and design / 1
TK7871.6 .D548 2015eb Charakterisierung und Optimierung von quasiplanaren Millimeterwellenantennen bezüglich Rekonfigurierbarkeit. 1
TK7871.6 .D65 1986 Chislennye metody reshenii︠a︡ zadach sinteza izluchai︠u︡shchikh sistem / 1
TK7871.6 .D82 1981 Flat radiating dipoles and applications to arrays / 1
TK7871.6 D83 Dual-mode coaxial feed for parabolic antennas / 1
TK7871.6 .E43 Electromagnetic horn antennas / 1