Call Number (LC) Title Results
TK7875 .V57 2010 VLSI micro- and nanophotonics : science, technology, and applications / 2
TK7875 .W55 2011 Silicon carbide microsystems for harsh environments 1
TK7875 .W67 2012 Micromechanics and microactuators proceedings of MAMM 2010, Aachen, Germany, May 27-29, 2010 / 1
TK7875 .Y68 2011eb MEMS linear and nonlinear statics and dynamics 1
TK7876 Microwave Superconductivity
Nanoscale Microwave Engineering : Optical Control of Nanodevices /
Foundations for microstrip circuit design /
Synthesized transmission lines : design, circuit implementation, and phased array applications /
Electronics for microwave backhaul /
Frequency measurement technology /
Parameter extraction and complex nonlinear transistor models /
Substrate integrated suspended line circuits and systems /
High power microwaves /
Microwave Materials for Wireless Applications.
The Six-Port Technique with Microwave and Wireless Applications.
LabVIEW based Automation Guide for Microwave Measurements /
Microwave electronics /
Microwave systems design /
Microwave, radar & RF engineering : with laboratory manual /
Nanoscale Microwave Engineering Optical Control of Nanodevices /
Microwave integrated circuit components design through MATLABĀ® /
Advances in microwave engineering : from novel materials to novel microwave applications /
Microwave and radar engineering /
Design of microwave active devices /
Microwave circuit design : a practical approach using ADS /
Microwave active devices and circuits for communication /
Advances in microwaves.
Passive & active RF-microwave circuits : course and exercises with solutions /
Non-volatile CBRAM/MIM switching technology for electronically reconfigurable passive microwave devices /
Simulation method of multipactor and its application in satellite microwave components /
Improving the resolving power of ultraviolet to near-infrared microwave kinetic inductance detectors
Near threshold computing : technology, methods and applications /
Symmetry properties in transmission lines loaded with electrically small resonators : circuit modeling and applications /
Microwave/RF applicators and probes for material heating, sensing, and plasma generation /
Microwave wireless communications : from transistor to system level /
Microwave system engineering principles
Microwave de-embedding : from theory to applications /
High-Temperature Superconducting Microwave Circuits and Applications /
Metamaterial for microwave applications /
Microwave and wireless measurement techniques /
LCP for microwave packages and modules /
Designing microwave sensors for glucose concentration detection in aqueous and biological solutions towards non-invasive glucose sensing /
FDTD modeling of EM field inside microwave cavities /
Co-simulations of microwave circuits and high-frequency electromagnetic fields /
Coupled structures for microwave sensing /
GUIDE TO NOISE IN MICROWAVE CIRCUITS devices, circuits and measurement.
Magnetic resonators : feedback with magnetic field and magnetic cavity /
Wideband Microwave Materials Characterization
TK7876-7876.42 Frequency Measurement and Control
High-Frequency Circuit Design and Measurements /
Introduction to Avionics /
Selected topics in photonics /
Electromagnetic performance analysis of graded dielectric inhomogeneous radomes /
Electromagnetics in a complex world : challenges and perspectives /
Biological effects of electromagnetic fields mechanisms, modeling, biological effects, therapeutic effects, international standards, exposure criteria /
The Microwave Engineering Handbook : Microwave systems and applications /
Ring Resonator Systems to Perform Optical Communication Enhancement Using Soliton
A Practical Design of Lumped, Semi-lumped & Microwave Cavity Filters
Microwave Electronic Devices /
Microwave Integrated Circuits /
Magnetostatic Waves and Their Application
Wave Scattering Theory : a Series Approach Based on the Fourier Transformation /
Terahertz Sources and Systems /
Gyrotrons : High Power Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology /
Surface Acoustic Wave Devices in Telecommunications : Modelling and Simulation /
Gradient-Index Optics : Fundamentals and Applications /
Passive Infrared Detection : Theory and Applications /
Photonic Devices for Telecommunications : How to Model and Measure /
TK7876 .A245 2016eb Printed resonant periodic structures and their applications 1
TK7876 .A26 1999 Active antennas and quasi-optical arrays 1
TK7876 .A28 Microwave theory and applications / 1
TK7876 .A32 Advances in microwaves. 1
TK7876 .A32 1970 Advances in microwaves. 1
TK7876 .A38 1971eb Advances in microwaves 1
TK7876 .A38 1994 Advanced microwave and millimeter-wave detectors : 25-26 July 1994, San Diego, California /
Advanced microwave and millimeter-wave detectors 25-26 July 1994, San Diego, California /
TK7876 .A38 2006 Asymmetric passive components in microwave integrated circuits / Hee-Ran Ahn.
Asymmetric passive components in microwave integrated circuits /
TK7876 .A38 v.6 Advances in microwaves. 1
TK7876 .A383 2002 Advanced optical devices, technologies, and medical applications : 19-22 August, 2002, Riga, Latvia /
Advanced optical devices, technologies, and medical applications 19-22 August, 2002, Riga, Latvia /
TK7876 .A4 2003 AMW archive. 1
TK7876 .A5 1994 Analysis and design of planar microwave components / 1
TK7876 .A65 1994 Applications of high-power microwaves / 1
TK7876 .A85 1989 How did we find out about microwaves? / 1