Call Number (LC) Title Results
TK7876 .C385 1996 Microwave & wireless communications technology / 1
TK7876 .C385 1996eb Microwave & wireless communications technology 1
TK7876 .C397 2013 Microwave and wireless measurement techniques / 1
TK7876 .C437 1996 Microwave ring circuits and antennas / 1
TK7876 .C439 2004 Microwave ring circuits and related structures / 2
TK7876 .C44 1994 Microwave solid-state circuits and applications / 1
TK7876 .C45 2002 RF and microwave circuit and component design for wireless systems / 2
TK7876 .C484 1988 Advanced microwave engineering : special advanced topics / 1
TK7876 .C57 1995 The transmission-line modeling method TLM / 1
TK7876 .C63 1991 Coherent detection at millimeter wavelengths and their applications / 1
TK7876 .C64 1982 Microwave devices / 2
TK7876 .C645 1992 Foundations for microwave engineering / 1
TK7876 .C645 2001 Foundations for microwave engineering / 1
TK7876 .C645 2001eb Foundations for microwave engineering 1
TK7876 .C658 2000 Advanced modal analysis : CAD techniques for waveguide components and filters / 1
TK7876 .C66 1973 Conference on Propagation of Radio Waves at Frequencies Above 10 GHz, 10-13 April 1973. 1
TK7876 .C73 1987 Evanescent mode microwave components / 1
TK7876 .C78 2011 Microwave materials for wireless applications / 1
TK7876 .C78 2017 Microwave material applications : device miniaturization and integration / 1
TK7876 .C785 2016 Microwave Material Applications. 1