Call Number (LC) Title Results
TK7881 .I58 2021eb Intelligent electrical systems : a step towards smarter Earth : Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Electronics Mechatronics Electrical & Mechanical Power (IEMPOWER 2019), November 21-23, 2019, Kolkata, India / 2
TK7881 .J54 Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Electronic Control of Mechanical Handling : Tuesday 6th to Thursday 8th July 1971, University of Nottingham / 1
TK7881 .K313 Industrial application of electronics / 1
TK7881 .K3132 Electronics in industry / 1
TK7881 .K44 2001 The audio recording handbook / 1
TK7881 .M38 2010eb Robotics for electronics manufacturing : principles and applications in cleanroom automation / 1
TK7881 .M65 Advanced industrial electronics / 1
TK7881 .N372 1994 NASA/SPIE Conference on Spin-off Technologies from NASA for Commercial Sensors and Scientific Applications : 25-26 July 1994, San Diego, California / 1
TK7881 .P38 2000 Industrial electronics : devices and systems / 1
TK7881 .P69 1976 Power electronics and variable frequency drives : technology and applications / 1
TK7881 .P69 1997 Power electronics and variable frequency drives technology and applications /
Power electronics and variable frequency drives : technology and applications /
TK7881 .S52 2001eb Industrial electronics for engineers, chemists, and technicians with optional lab experiments / 1
TK7881 .S52 2002eb Industrial electronics for engineers, chemists, and technicians, with optional lab experiments 1
TK7881 .S64 2002 Soft computing in industrial electronics / 1
TK7881 .S96 1961 Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Electron Beam Processes : March 23 and 24, 1961, Sheraton Plaza Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts / 1
TK7881 .S96 1962 Proceedings of the fourth Symposium on Electron Beam Technology : March 29 and 30, 1962, Somerset Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts / 1
TK7881 .S964 1967 Record of the IEEE 9th annual Symposium on Electron, Ion, and Laser Beam Technology, Berkeley, 9-11 May 1967 / 1
TK7881 .S964 1969 Record of the 10th Symposium on Electron, Ion, and Laser Beam Technology : Gaithersburg, Md., 21-23 May, 1969 / 1
TK7881 .S964 1971 Record of the 11th Symposium on Electron, Ion, and Laser Beam Technology : held Boulder, Co., 12-14 May 1971 / 1
TK7881.15 Switch mode power conversion : basic theory and design /
Control of electrical drives /
Variable speed AC drives with inverter output filters /
Power electronics applied to industrial systems and transports.
Introduction to power electronics
Gear Motor Handbook.
Uncertain Models and Robust Control /
Modern power electronic devices physics, applications, and reliability
Fundamentals of Power Electronics /
The principles of electronic and electromechanic power conversion : a systems approach /
Power Electronics Handbook.
Power electronics.
Design, analysis and application of magnetless doubly salient machines /
Thermal analysis of power electronic devices used in renewable energy systems /
Eco-design in Electrical Engineering : eco-friendly methodologies, solutions and example for application to Electrical Engineering /
Power electronics and motor drive systems /
Distributed optimization, game and learning algorithms theory and applications in smart grid systems /
Power electronics : circuit analysis and design /
Advanced and intelligent control in power electronics and drives /
Power electronics for renewable energy systems, transportation, and industrial applications /
Design and control of hybrid active power filters /
ICPES 2019 selected articles from the 9th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems, Perth, Australia /
ELECTRIMACS 2019 : selected papers.
Modern component families and circuit block design /
Electromagnetic transients of power electronics systems /
Electric power systems resiliency modelling, opportunity and challenges /
Power Electronics in Energy Conversion Systems
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on New Energy and Electrical Technology /
Dynamics of saturated electric machines
Power electronics and renewable energy systems : proceedings of ICPERES 2014 /
Alternative energy in power electronics /
Power electronic converters and systems : frontiers and applications /
Energy Efficiency Improvements in Electronic Motors and Drives /
Power Electronics : Advanced Conversion Technologies, Second Edition /
Lecture notes in analog electronics : low voltage electronic components, including diodes, transistors, optoelectronic and magnetoelectronic devices, and semiconductor technology /
Power Supply in Telecommunications /
Basic Principles of Power Electronics /
Electrical Design of a 400 kV Composite Tower
Fluid Mechanics
Simulation of power electronics converters using PLECS
Power electronic converters and systems frontiers and applications /
Proceedings of Trends in Electronics and Health Informatics Tehi 2022.
Robust control strategies for power electronics in smart grid applications /
Power Systems & Smart Energies /
Power GaN devices : materials, applications and reliability /
Advanced control of electrical drives and power electronic converters
Software-defined power electronics : converter configuration, control, and optimization /
Energy Management Systems : Operation and Control of Electric Energy Transmission Systems /
Energy Efficiency in Household Appliances : Proceedings of the First International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Household Appliances, 10-12 November 1997, Florence, Italy /
Handbook of power electronics in autonomous and electric vehicles
Power electronics and motor drives advances and trends /
Fundamentals of power electronics
Advanced pulse-width-modulation : with freedom to optimize power electronics converters /
Intelligent energy management technologies ICAEM 2019 /
Proceedings of International Conference on Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems : ICPERES 2021 /
Energy efficiency in industry /
A holistic solution for smart grids based on LINK-paradigm : architecture, energy systems integration, volt/var chain process /
Power electronics handbook /
Proceedings of Symposium on Power Electronic and Renewable Energy Systems Control PERESC 2020 /
Power electronics step-by-step : design, modeling, simulation, and control /
Design of VLSI Circuits : Based on VENUS /
ELECTRONICA DE POTENCIA : principios fundamentales y estructuras basicas.
Elektrische Antriebstechnik : Band 2 Stromrichtergespeiste Gleichstrommaschinen und voll umrichtergespeiste Drehstrommaschinen /
Power Electronic Converters : DC-AC Conversion /
Numerical Analysis of Electromagnetic Fields /
Photovoltaics Guidebook for Decision-Makers : Technological Status and Potential Role in Energy Economy /
Solar Power Plants : Fundamentals, Technology, Systems, Economics /