Call Number (LC) Title Results
TK7895.E96 S76 1992 The Sound Blaster book / 2
TK7895.F5 A64 1987 American national standard for information systems : fiber distributed data interface (FDDI) : token ring media access control (MAC) / 1
TK7895 F65 2011eb Computer system design : system-on-chip / 3
TK7895 .F76 2006 From model-driven design to resource management for distributed embedded systems : IFIP TC 10 Working Conference on Distributed and Parallel Embedded Systems (DIPES 2006), October 11-13, 2006, Braga, Portugal / 1
TK7895.F8 Design of function circuits with 555 timer integrated circuit / 2
TK7895 .G36 CAN and FPGA Communication Engineering. 1
TK7895.G36 The FPGA programming handbook : an essential guide to FPGA design for transforming your ideas into hardware using SystemVerilog and VHDL /
High performance integer arithmetic circuit design on FPGA : architecture, implementation and design automation /
Multiple constant multiplication optimizations for field programmable gate arrays /
Green communication with field-programmable gate array for sustainable development /
Getting started with FPGAs : digital circuit design, Verilog, and VHDL for beginners /
Design of FPGA-based computing systems with OpenCL
Design recipes for FPGAs : using Verilog and VHDL /
Synthesis and optimization of FPGA-based systems /
Learning FPGAs : digital design for beginners with Mojo and Lucid HDL /
Make: FPGAs : turning software into hardware with eight fun and easy DIY projects. /
Getting started with FPGAs : prototyping with electronics and programmable logic /
Design Recipes for FPGAs.
Functional verification of dynamically reconfigurable FPGA-based systems /
FPGAs and parallel architectures for aerospace applications : soft errors and fault-tolerant design /
FPGAs for software programmers /
Engineering applications of FPGAs : chaotic systems, artificial neural networks, random number generators, and secure communication systems /
Architecture exploration of FPGA based accelerators for bioinformatics applications /
FPGA EDA design principles and implementation /
Security of FPGA-accelerated cloud computing environments /
Digital system design with FPGA implementation using Verilog and VHDL /
FPGAs für Maker : Eine praktische Einführung in programmierbare Logik /
Technology mapping for LUT-based FPGA /
FPGA-BASED hardware accelerators /
FPGA based accelerators for financial applications /
FPGA-based digital convolution for wireless applications /
TK7895.G36 A35 FPGA ... : ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays / 1
TK7895.G36 A533 2014 FPGA-accelerated simulation of computer systems / 1
TK7895.G36 A78 2023 Artificial intelligence applications and reconfigurable architectures / 1
TK7895.G36 B38 2011 Reconfigurable field programmable gate arrays for mission-critical applications 1
TK7895.G36 B48 1999 Architecture and CAD for deep-submicron FPGAs / 1
TK7895.G36 B63 2007 Introduction to reconfigurable computing : architectures, algorithms, and applications / 1
TK7895.G36 B63 2007eb Introduction to reconfigurable computing architectures, algorithms, and applications / 1
TK7895.G36 C484 2008eb FPGA prototyping by Verilog examples : Xilinx Spartan -3 version / 2
TK7895.G36 C485 2008 FPGA prototyping by VHDL examples : Xilinx Spartan-3 version / 1
TK7895.G36 C485 2008eb FPGA prototyping by VHDL examples : Xilinx Spartan-3 version / 2
TK7895.G36 C66 1998 Configurable computing technology and applications : 2-3 November 1998, Boston, Massachusetts / 1
TK7895.G36 D47 2012 Guide to FPGA implementation of arithmetic functions 1
TK7895.G36 D47 2017eb Designing with Xilinx FPGAs : using Vivado / 1