Call Number (LC) Title Results
TK8360.O67 M85 2007eb CMOS multichannel single-chip receivers for multi-gigabit optical data communications 1
TK8360.O67 O68 2001eb Optical sensors and switches / 1
TK8360.O67 O68 2004 Optical sensing 27-29 April 2004, Strasbourg, France /
Optical sensing : 27-29 April, 2004, Strasbourg, France /
TK8360.O67 O68 2012 Optical nano- and microsystems for bioanalytics 1
TK8360.O67 O683 2010 Optical sensing and detection 12-15 April 2010, Brussels, Belgium / 1
TK8360.O67 O683 2012e Optical sensing and detection II 16-19 April 2012, Brussels, Belgium / 1
TK8360.O67 O683 2014e Optical sensing and detection III : 14-17 April 2014, Brussels, Belgium / 1
TK8360.O67 O685 2007e Optical sensing technology and applications 16-18 April, 2007, Prague, Czech Republic / 1
TK8360.O67 O69 2005 Optical sensors and sensing systems for natural resources and food safety and quality 23-24, October, 2005, Boston, Massachusetts, USA / 1
TK8360.O67 O78 2010eb Optical guided-wave chemical and biosensors / 1
TK8360.O67 P46 2015eb Photodetectors : materials, devices and applications / 1
TK8360.O67 P48 2000 Photonic detection and intervention technologies for safe food 5-6 November 2000, Boston [Massachusetts] USA / 1
TK8360.O67 P56 2007e High-operating-temperature infrared photodetectors 1
TK8360.O67 S28 2001 High-speed CMOS circuits for optical receivers / 1
TK8360.O67 S28 2001eb High-speed CMOS circuits for optical receivers 1
TK8360.O67 S42 2004 Semiconductor photodetectors : 28-29 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA / 1
TK8360.O67 S45 2003 Sensing with terahertz radiation / 1
TK8360.O67 S45 2004 Semiconductor photodetectors 28-29 January 2004, San Jose, California, USA / 1
TK8360.O67 S45 2005 Semiconductor photodetectors II 25-26 January, 2005, San Jose, California, USA / 1
TK8360.O67 S45 2006 Semiconductor photodetectors III 25 January 2006, San Jose, California, USA / 1