Call Number (LC) Title Results
TK9202 .F68 Materials for control rod drive mechanisms / 1
TK9202 .G313 The theory of thermal-neutron nuclear reactors. 1
TK9202 .G55 Principles of nuclear reactor engineering. 1
TK9202 .G55 1963 Nuclear reactor engineering / 1
TK9202 .G55 1967 Nuclear reactor engineering / 1
TK9202 .G55 1981 Nuclear reactor engineering / 1
TK9202 .G74 1972 Zirconium in nuclear technology / 1
TK9202 .H28 Nuclear reactor control engineering. 1
TK9202 .H3 Materials for nuclear power reactors / 1
TK9202 .H35 2021 Handbook of small modular nuclear reactors / 1
TK9202 .H64 2013 Materials for nuclear plants from safe design to residual life assessments / 1
TK9202 .I243 2015 Nuclear Power Reactors in the World : 2015 Edition. 1
TK9202 .I243 2018 Nuclear Power Reactors in the World. 1
TK9202 .I468 2005 Innovative small and medium sized reactors : design features, safety approaches and R&D trends : final report of a technical meeting held in Vienna, 7-11 June 2004. 1
TK9202 .I512a Nuclear power reactors in the world. 1
TK9202 .I5345 2014 International safeguards in the design of nuclear reactors. 1
TK9202 .I538 2006eb Nuclear data needs for Generation IV nuclear energy systems : proceedings of the international workshop, Antwerpen, Belgium, 5-7 April 2005 / 1
TK9202 .I56 1993 Advanced nuclear power systems : design, technology, safety and strategies for their deployment : proceedings of an International Symposium on Advanced Nuclear Power Systems: Design, Technology, Safety and Strategies for their Deployment / 1
TK9202 .I584 2017 Nuclear Power Reactors in the World. 1
TK9202 .I584 2021 Benefits and challenges of small modular fast reactors : proceedings of a technical meeting. 1