Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
TK9203.W37 O64 2013 | Operation and licensing of mixed cores in water cooled reactors. | 1 |
TK9203.W37 P37 2013 | Passive safety systems in advanced water cooled reactors (AWCRs) : case studies : a report of the International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) | 1 |
TK9203.W37 R48 2010 | Review of fuel failures in water cooled reactors | 1 |
TK9203.W37 S45 1996 | Selected safety aspects of WWER-440 model 213 nuclear power plants : final report of the IAEA Project on evaluation of safety aspects for WWER-440 model 213 nuclear power plants : reference plant, Bohunice NPP V2 (Slovakia) | 1 |
TK9203.W37 S77 2005 | Structural behaviour of fuel assemblies for water cooled reactors : proceedings of a technical meeting held in Cadarache, France, 22-26 November 2004. | 1 |
TK9204 |
Magnetic fusion technology / Tokamak engineering mechanics / Magnetic stochasticity in magnetically confined fusion plasmas : chaos of field lines and charged particle dynamics / Fusion technology 1980. proceedings of the eleventh symposium, the Examination Schools, Oxford, UK, 15-19 September 1980. Search for the ultimate energy source : a history of the U.S. fusion program / Magnetic fusion energy : from experiments to power plants / Fusion. Systems approaches to nuclear fusion reactors / Bringing fusion to the U.S. grid. Safety factor profile control in a tokamak / Man-made sun Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) fusion reactor / Fusion reactor design : plasma physics, fuel cycle system, operation and maintenance / Frontiers in fusion research II : introduction to modern Tokamak physics / Magnetic control of tokamak plasmas / |
16 |
TK9204 .A66 2013 | Applications of research reactors towards research on materials for nuclear fusion technology : proceedings of a technical meeting held in Vienna, 27-29 June 2011. | 1 |
TK9204 .A75 2008 | Magnetic control of tokamak plasmas / | 1 |
TK9204 .A75 2008eb | Magnetic control of tokamak plasmas | 1 |
TK9204 .B436 2022 | Star Power ITER and the International Quest for Fusion Energy. | 1 |
TK9204 .C53 2020eb | ITER: the giant fusion reactor : bringing a sun to Earth / | 1 |
TK9204 .C53 2023 | ITER, the giant fusion reactor : bringing a sun to Earth / | 1 |
TK9204 .D2 1974 | DCTR fusion-fission energy systems review meeting : December 3 and 4, 1974, Energy Research and Development Administration, Germantown, Maryland / | 1 |
TK9204 .D82 | Inertial confinement fusion / | 1 |
TK9204 .E44 2005 | Elements of power plant design for inertial fusion energy : final report of coordinated research project, 2000-2004. | 1 |
TK9204 .G74 1984 | Fusion energy / | 1 |
TK9204 .H33 1994 | Direct sticking measurements in muon catalyzed fusion / | 1 |
TK9204 .H47 1984 | The man-made sun : the quest for fusion power / | 2 |
TK9204 .I57 1976 | Tokamak reactors for breakeven a critical study of the near-term fusion reactor program, Erice-Trapani (Sicily), 21 September-1 October, 1976 / | 1 |
TK9204 .I57 1978 | Driven magnetic fusion reactors proceedings of the course, Erice-Trapani, Italy, 18-26, September, 1978 / | 1 |