Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Tk9203.P7 O75 1988 | Sizewell B : an anatomy of the inquiry / | 1 |
TK9203.P7 P74 2022 |
Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors : CANDU / Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors : Atucha II / |
2 |
TK9203.P7 T6 1996 | Thermal analysis of pressurized water reactors | 1 |
TK9203.P8 | Fast pulsed and burst reactors a comprehensive account of the physics of both single burst and repetitively pulsed reactors / | 1 |
TK9203.P8 S36 2017 | U. S. fast burst reactors : design and operational history / | 1 |
TK9203.S6 | Superphenix : technical and scientific achievements / | 1 |
TK9203.S6 B46 2013 | Benchmark analyses on the natural circulation test performed during the Phenix end-of-life experiments : final report of a coordinated research project 2008-2011. | 2 |
TK9203.S6 R35 2015eb | Sodium fast reactors with closed fuel cycle / | 3 |
TK9203.W37 |
Thermal-hydraulics of water cooled nuclear reactors Materials and water chemistry for supercritical water-cooled reactors / Handbook on thermal hydraulics in water-cooled nuclear reactors. |
6 |
TK9203.W37 A23 2005 | Accident analysis for nuclear power plants with graphite moderated boiling water RBMK reactors. | 1 |
TK9203.W37 A38 1989 | Advanced water-cooled reactor technologies : rationale, state of progress and outlook / | 1 |
TK9203.W37 A43 | American national standard single failure criteria for light water reactor safety-related fluid systems / | 1 |
TK9203.W37 A44 1993 | American national standard for solid radioactive waste processing system for light-water-cooled reactor plants / | 1 |
TK9203.W37 .C688 2018eb |
Current State of Research on Pressurized Water Reactor Safety Current State of Research on Pressurized Water Reactor Safety. |
2 |
TK9203.W37 D47 2016eb | Design safety considerations for water cooled small modular reactors incorporating lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi accident. | 2 |
TK9203.W37 E345 2012 | Efficient Water Management in Water Cooled Reactors | 1 |
TK9203.W37 G66 2011 |
Good practices for water quality management in research reactors and spent fuel storage facilities. Good practices for water quality management in research reactors and spent fuel storage facilities |
2 |
TK9203.W37 H43 2014 | Heat transfer behaviour and thermohydraulics code testing for supercritical water cooled reactors (SCWRs) | 1 |
TK9203.W37 M474 2023 | Methodologies for assessing pipe failure rates in advanced water cooled reactors. | 1 |
TK9203.W37 N38 2012 |
Natural circulation phenomena and modelling for advanced water cooled reactors Natural circulation phenomena and modelling for advanced water cooled reactors. |
2 |