Call Number (LC) Title Results
TL152.8 .K65 2020 Hacking connected cars : tactics, techniques, and procedures / 1
TL152.8 .K888 2019eb Deep learning for autonomous vehicle control : algorithms, state-of-the-art, and future prospects / 1
TL152.8 .L5 2007 Advanced motion control and sensing for intelligent vehicles / 1
TL152.8 .L58 2018eb Formation control of multiple autonomous vehicle systems / 1
TL152.8 .L583 2018 Creating autonomous vehicle systems / 2
TL152.8 .L585 2020 Engineering autonomous vehicles and robots : the DragonFly modular-based approach / 2
TL152.8 .L833 2020eb Cyber-physical vehicle systems : methodology and applications / 1
TL152.8 .M39 2020 Dynamics and advanced motion control of off-road UGVs / 1
TL152.8 .M49 2019eb Driverless urban futures : a speculative atlas for autonomous vehicles / 1
TL152.8 M493 2018 Driverless Urban Futures : A Speculative Atlas. 1
TL152.8 .M63 2003 Modeling of materials and structures for crash applications. 1
TL152.8 .M63 2007 Modelling driver behaviour in automotive environments critical issues in driver interactions with intelligent transport systems / 1
TL152.8 .N38 1996 Navigation and control technologies for unmanned systems : 8-9 April 1996, Orlando, Florida /
Navigation and control technologies for unmanned systems 8-9 April 1996, Orlando, Florida /
TL152.8 .N38 1997 Navigation and control technologies for unmanned systems II 23 April 1997, Orlando, Florida / 1
TL152.8 .N382 1997 Navigation and control technologies for unmanned systems II : 23 April 1997, Orlando, Florida / 1
TL152.8 .N53 2018 Design and advanced robust chassis dynamics control for x-by-wire unmanned ground vehicle / 1
TL152.8 .O94 2011a Autonomous ground vehicles / 2
TL152.8 .P3713 2022  
TL152.8 .P38 2022 ADAS and automated driving : a practical approach to verification and validation / 1
TL152.8 .Q467 2019eb Real-time road profile identification and monitoring : theory and application / 1