Call Number (LC) Title Results
TL214.F78 G38 2000 Gasoline direct injection engines. 1
TL214.F78 G39 2003 Gasoline direct injection engine and spark ignition performance. 1
TL214.F78 G39x 2003 Gasoline direct injection engine and spark ignition performance. 1
TL214.F78 I57 2012eb Fuel systems for IC engines : 14-15 March 2012, IMechE, London / 1
TL214.F78 I68 1995 Investigation and analysis of fuel spray technology. 1
TL214.F78 S24 2002 Gasoline direct injection engines 2002. 1
TL214.F8 A66 2005 Applications of fuel cells in vehicles. 1
TL214.F8 A66 2006 Applications of fuel cells in vehicles 2006. 1
TL214.F8 A66 2007 Applications of fuel cells in vehicles. 1
TL214.F8 C66 2005 Combustion and flow diagnostics, and fundamental advances in thermal and fluid sciences / 1
TL214.F8 C66 2006 Combustion and flow diagnostics, and fundamental advances in thermal and fluid sciences / 1
TL214.F8 D48 1992 Developing dedicated natural gas vehicle technology : 1991 Natural Gas Vehicle Challenge. 1
TL214.F8 E53 Engines, fuels, and lubricants--a perspective on the future. 1
TL214.F8 F83 1997 Fuel system design for fuel economy and reduced emissions. 1
TL214.F8 F83 2001 Fuel cells and alternative fuels/energy systems. 1
TL214.F8 F84 1992 Fuel systems and general emissions. 1
TL214.F8 F84 1997 Fuel system design for fuel economy and reduced emissions. 1
TL214.F8 F84 2001 Fuel cells and alternative fuels/energy systems. 1
TL214.F8 F85 1994 Fuel systems for fuel economy and emissions. 1
TL214.F8 H43 1995 Heavy duty vehicles : alternative fuels and exhaust emissions. 1