Call Number (LC) Title Results
TL240 .I507 Innovations and applied research in mechanical engineering technology : presented at the ... ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition / 1
TL240 .I52 1999 Innovations in vehicle design and development : presented at the 1999 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 14-19, 1999, Nashville, Tennessee / 1
TL240 .I55 2012 Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress. Vehicle Design and Testing / 1
TL240 .I58 1992 The integration of design and manufacture : technical papers : XXIV FISITA Congress, 7-11 June 1992, London : automotive technology serving society. 1
TL240 .I58 2012 Proceedings of the FISITA 2012 World Automotive Congress. 1
TL240 .I58 2013 Integrated computer-aided design in automotive development : development processes, geometric fundamentals, methods of CAD, knowledge-based engineering data management / 1
TL240 .I58 2013eb Current development of mechanical engineering and energy : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 International Symposium on Vehicle, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering (ISVMEE 2013), December 21-22, 2013, Taiwan, China / 1
TL240 .I94 1991 IVHS and vehicle communications. 1
TL240 .K36 Highway homicide / 1
TL240 .K797 2020 Energy and Motorization in the Automotive and Aeronautics Industries 1
TL240 .L426 2012eb Car crashes without cars lessons about simulation technology and organizational change from automotive design /
Car crashes without cars : lessons about simulation technology and organizational change from automotive design /
TL240 .L54 2001 Light metal applications for the automotive industry : aluminum and magnesium. 1
TL240 .L542 2002 Light metals for the automotive industry. 1
TL240 .L63 2005 Loads simulation and analysis in automotive engineering / 1
TL240 .M37 2000 Automobiles by architects / 1
TL240 .M38 2004 Materials innovation and advances in coating technology. 1
TL240 .M38 2010eb Materials, design and manufacturing for lightweight vehicles
Materials, design and manufacturing for lightweight vehicles /
TL240 .M38x 2004 Materials innovation and advances in coating technology. 1
TL240 .M48 Microprocessor controller developments. 1
TL240 .M55 2006 Military vehicles / 1