Call Number (LC) Title Results
TL574.F7 L9 The design of an acceleration insensitive skin friction balance for use in free flight vehicles at supersonic speeds / 1
TL574.F7 S7 Experimental investigation of the surface impact pressure probe method : of measuring local skin friction at supersonic speeds / 1
TL574.G7 R69 2000 Aerodynamics of a lifting system in extreme ground effect / 1
TL574.G7 R69 2000eb Aerodynamics of a lifting system in extreme ground effect / 1
TL574.I5 N677 1994 Wall interference, support interference and flow field measurements papers presented and discussions recorded at the 73rd Fluid Dynamics Panel Symposium held in Brussels, Belgium, 4th-7th October 1993 = Les effets de paroi et de support et les mesures des champs d'ecoulement. 1
TL574.L3 Secondary instabilities of Görtler vortices in high-speed boundary layers : mechanisms and flow control on laminar-turbulent transition / 1
TL574.L3 R64 1992 Laminar flow analysis / 1
TL574.L5 Theory of lift introductory computational aerodynamics with MATLAB R/OCTAVE /
Fundamentals of high lift for future civil aircraft contributions to the final Symposium of the Collaborative Research Center 880, December 17-18, 2019, Braunschweig, Germany /
TL574.L5 A37 1986 In-flight thrust determination and uncertainty / 1
TL574.L5 D537 2020 Active spanwise lift control : a distributed parameter approach / 1
TL574.L5 E81 2015 Estimating takeoff thrust settings for airport emissions inventories. 1
TL574.L5 H59 Fluid-dynamic lift : practical information on aerodynamic and hydrodynamic lift / 1
TL574 .N44 2010 Blast waves 1
TL574.N6 Aeroacoustics of low Mach number flows : fundamentals, analysis, and measurement /
Aeroacoustics of low mach number flows : fundamentals, analysis, and measurement /
TL574.N6 A145 1997 Aeroacoustics and active noise control : September 15-18, 1997 / 1
TL574.N6 A3 2001 Advances in aeroacoustics : March 12-16, 2001 / 1
TL574.N6 A38 2004 Advances in aeroacoustics and applications : March 15-19, 2004 / 1
TL574.N6 A46 1983 Aeroacoustics : ten years of research. 1
TL574.N6 A463 1997 Aeroacoustics and active noise control : September 15-18, 1997 / 1
TL574.N6 A47 Aerodynamic noise / 1