Call Number (LC) Title Results
TL671.9.S63 2001eb Small Business Innovation Research to Support Aging Aircraft : Priority Technical Areas and Process Improvements / 1
TL671.9 .T48 1981 Personal aircraft maintenance : a do-it-yourself guide for owners and pilots / 1
TL671.9 .U65 1990 Aircraft maintenance : potential shortage in national aircraft repair capacity : report to Congressional requesters / 1
TL671.9 .W44 2020eb Introduction to maintenance, repair and overhaul of aircraft, engines and components / 1
TL671.9 Y53 2020 Human factors in aircraft maintenance / 1
TL671.9 .Y6 Airplane maintenance : a textbook for airplane mechanics / 1
TL672 Morphing wing technologies : large commercial aircraft and civil helicopters /
Theory of wing sections including a summary of airfoil data /
Smart morphing and sensing for aeronautical configurations : prototypes, experimental and numerical findings from the H2020 N° 723402 SMS EU project /
Modeling and control for a blended wing body aircraft : a case study /
Advances in simulation of wing and nacelle stall : results of the closing symposium of the DFG Research Unit FOR 1066, December 1-2, 2014, Braunschweig, Germany /
TL672 .A2 1959 Theory of wing sections, including a summary of airfoil data / 1
TL672 .A33 1959 Theory of wing sections, including a summary of airfoil data / 1
TL672 .B4313 The theory of thin wings in subsonic flow /
The theory of thin wings in subsonic flow
TL672 .C3 1969 Wing theory in supersonic flow /
Wing theory in supersonic flow
TL672 .C483 Selected works on wing theory / 1
TL672 .E3 Effect of winglets on a first-generation jet transport wing / Peter F. Jacobs ... [et al.] 1
TL672 .M677 2018 Morphing Wing Technologies : Large Commercial Aircraft and Civil Helicopters. 1
TL672 .R44 2004 Investigation of aeronautical and engineering component failures / 1
TL672 .R44 2004eb Investigation of aeronautical and engineering component failures 2
TL672 .U5 Recent research on the determination of natural modes and frequencies of aircraft wing structures / 1
TL672 .W384 2014 Introduction to Aircraft Aeroelasticity and Loads. 1
TL673.S9 P44 2010 German development of the swept wing : 1935-1945 / 2
TL673.T4 A84 2007 Assessment of wingtip modifications to increase the fuel efficiency of Air Force aircraft / 1