Call Number (LC) Title Results
TL794.7 .F736 2016eb Zukunftsmarkt Weltraumtourismus : Urlaub im All / 1
TL794.7 .H63 2021 The commercial space race : who's flying highest? / 1
TL794.7 .T65 2021 Sustainable space tourism : an introduction / 1
TL794.7 .V47 2018 The rise of private actors in the space sector / 1
TL795 Technology for Small Spacecraft.
Automatic control in space 1982 proceedings of the ninth IFAC/ESA symposium, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, 5-9 July 1982 /
Interplanetary liberty : building free societies in the cosmos /
Spaceplane HERMES : Europe's dream of independent manned spaceflight /
Inventing a Space Mission the Story of the Herschel Space Observatory /
TL795 .A22 1971 no. 320 Space shuttle launch operations / 1
TL795 .A25 Technical papers. 1
TL795 .A38 1991 Advanced aerospace hydraulic systems and components. 1
TL795 .A48 1963 A volume of unclassified technical papers from the AIAA/ASD (AFSC) vehicle design and propulsion meeting, Dayton, Ohio, Nov. 4-6, 1963. 1
TL795 .A7 Sea launch and recovery of very large rocket vehicles / 1
TL795 .D66 2009eb Deep space craft an overview of interplanetary flight / 1
TL795 .E93 1998 Proceedings / 1
TL795 .E96 1961x Exploring space : Projects Mercury and Apollo of the United States manned space program / 1
TL795 .I17 1979 Automatic Control in space proceedings of the 8th IFAC Symposium, Oxford, England, 2-6 July 1979 / 1
TL795 .K45 2001 Moon lander : how we developed the Apollo lunar module / 1
TL795 .L56 2008 SpaceShipOne : an illustrated history / 1
TL795 .M48 1999 Elements of space technology for aerospace engineers / 1
TL795 .M48 1999eb Elements of space technology for aerospace engineers 2
TL795 .M54 1993 The dream machines : an illustrated history of the spaceship in art, science and literature / 1
TL795 .M64 2023 Modern spacecraft guidance, navigation, and control : from system modeling to AI and innovative applications / 1