Call Number (LC) Title Results
TN233 .M88 1905 Mining rights on the public domain : lode and placer claims, tunnels, mill sites and water rights ; statutes, decisions, forms and land office procedure for prospectors, attorneys, surveyors and mining companies / 1
TN241 .I5 Le régime minier aux colonies : documents officiels prećédés de notices historiques. 1
TN242.G7 F73 The laws and customs of the Miners in the Forrest of Dean, in the county of Gloucester 2
TN242.G7 H8 Royal institutions : being proposals for articles to establish and confirm laws, liberties, & customs of silver & gold mines to all the King's subjects in such parts of Africa and America which are now (or shall be) annexed to, and dependent on, the crown of England : with rules, laws, and methods of mining, and getting of precious stones; the working and making of salt-petre; and also, the digging and getting of lead, tin, copper and quicksilver-oars [!] ... 1
TN260 Structural Classification of Minerals : Volume 3: Minerals with ApBq ... ExFy ... nAq. General Chemical Formulas and Organic Minerals /
Geology of Gas and Oil under the Netherlands : Selection of papers presented at the 1983 Iternational Conference of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, held in The Hague /
Modern Jeweler's Consumer Guide to Colored Gemstones /
Minerals of California /
Gold Metallogeny and Exploration /
Geology and Metallogeny of Copper Deposits : Proceedings of the Copper Symposium 27th International Geological Congress Moscow, 1984 /
Indium : Geology, Mineralogy, and Economics /
Evolution of Laurussia : a Study in Late Palaeozoic Plate Tectonics /
Petroleum Geology of the Southeastern North Sea and the Adjacent Onshore Areas : (The Hague, 1982) /
Petroleum Geology of the North European Margin : Proceedings of the North European Margin Symposium (NEMS '83), organized by the Norwegian Petroleum Society and held at the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH) in Trondheim 9-11 May, 1983 /
Geoscience Information : a state-of-the art review Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Geological Information London, 10-12 April, 1978 /
Sediment-Hosted Zn-Pb Ores /
Applied mining geology /
BUSINESS OF MINING : mineral deposits, exploration and ore-reserve.
Sandstone Depositional Models for Exploration for Fossil Fuels /
Economic and applied geology : an introduction /
Interpretation of Geophysical Fields in Complicated Environments /
High-temperature Metamorphism and Crustal Anatexis /
Gemstones and Their Origins /
Illustrated Guide to Jewelry Appraising : Antique, Period, and Modern /
Geological Methods in Mineral Exploration and Mining /
Geostatistical ore reserve estimation
Magmatic Sulfide Deposits : Geology, Geochemistry and Exploration /
Deformation Processes in Minerals, Ceramics and Rocks /
Uranium Ore Deposits /
Petroleum source rocks /
Bitumens in Ore Deposits /
Structural Mineralogy : an Introduction /
The Marine Seismic Source /
Economic Evaluations in Exploration /
Hydrocarbon and Petroleum Geology of France /
Structural Classification of Minerals : Volume I: Minerals with A, Am Bn and ApBqCr General Chemical Formulas /
Crystal Identification with the Polarizing Microscope /
Oceanic Basalts /
Electron-Diffraction Analysis of Clay Mineral Structures
The Jade Kingdom /
The Fundamentals of Paleohydrogeology of Ore Deposits /
Geostatistics and Petroleum Geology /
Statistical Evaluations in Exploration for Mineral Deposits /
Potassic Igneous Rocks and Associated Gold-Copper Mineralization /
Exploration-Geochemical Data Analysis with the IBM PC /
Gold : History and Genesis of Deposits /
Introduction to Clay Minerals : Chemistry, origins, uses and environmental significance /
Oceanic Basalts
Seismic Stratigraphy /
Strategic Planning for Exploration Management /
Seismic Exploration for Sandstone Reservoirs /
Simple Seismics : for the petroleum geologist, the reservoir engineer, the well-log analyst, the processing technician, and the man in the field /
Salt Deposits Their Origin and Composition /
Ores in Sediments : VIII. International Sedimentological Congress, Heidelberg, August 31 - September 3, 1971 /
Ore Genesis : the State of the Art /
Mineral Deposits of the Alps and of the Alpine Epoch in Europe : Proceedings of the IV. ISMIDA Berchtesgaden, October 4-10, 1981 /
Syngenesis and Epigenesis in the Formation of Mineral Deposits : a Volume in Honour of Professor G. Christian Amstutz on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday with Special Reference to One of His Main Scientific Interests /
Geothermal Resources /
Biomineralization and Biological Metal Accumulation : Biological and Geological Perspectives Papers presented at the Fourth International Symposium on Biomineralization, Renesse, the Netherlands, June 2-5, 1982 /
Velocities in Reflection Seismology /
Clay Microstructure
Quantitative Analysis of Mineral and Energy Resources /
Petroleum Geochemistry in Exploration of the Norwegian Shelf : Proceedings of a Norwegian Petroleum Society (NPF) conference Organic Geochemistry in Exploration of the Norwegian Shelf held in Stavanger, 22-24 October 1984 /
Rutley's Elements of Mineralogy /
Phosphate and Mineral Homeostasis /
Satellite Hydrocarbon Exploration : Interpretation and Integration Techniques /
Hydrocarbons of Eastern Central Europe : Habitat, Exploration and Production History /
Multiphase Flow in Porous Media : Mechanics, Mathematics, and Numerics /
Classical Loop-in-Loop Chains and their Derivatives /
Metal Deposits in Relation to Plate Tectonics /
Organic Matter and Mineralisation: Thermal Alteration, Hydrocarbon Generation and Role in Metallogenesis /
Metal Deposits in Relation to Plate Tectonics
Carbonate Reservoir Characterization /
Gold and Other Precious Metals : From Ore to Market /
The Collector's Book of Fluorescent Minerals /
Formation Evaluation : Geological Procedures /
Hydrothermal Mineral Deposits : Principles and Fundamental Concepts for the Exploration Geologist /
Aspects of Seismic Reflection Data Processing /
Uranium geochemistry, mineralogy, geology, exploration and resources /
Clay Mineralogy: Spectroscopic and Chemical Determinative Methods /
Introduction to Industrial Minerals /
Base Metal Sulfide Deposits in Sedimentary and Volcanic Environments : Proceedings of the DMG-GDMB-SGA-Meeting Aachen, 1985 /
Coalbed Methane: Scientific, Environmental and Economic Evaluation /
Offshore Site Investigation and Foundation Behaviour Papers presented at a conference organized by the Society for Underwater Technology and held in London, UK, September 22-24, 1992 /
Minerals and Mineraloids in Marine Sediments : an Optical Identification Guide /
Correlation in Hydrocarbon Exploration : Proceedings of the conference Correlation in Hydrocarbon Exploration organized by the Norwegian Petroleum Society and held in Bergen, Norway, 3-5 October 1988 /
Geo-Platinum 87 /
Safety in Offshore Drilling : the Role of Shallow Gas Surveys, Proceedings of an International Conference (Safety in Offshore Drilling) organized by the Society for Underwater Technology and held in London, U.K., April 25 & 26, 1990 /
Rock-forming Minerals in Thin Section /
Tau-p: a plane wave approach to the analysis of seismic data /
North Sea Oil and Gas Reservoirs--II : Proceedings of the 2nd North Sea Oil and Gas Reservoirs Conference organized and hosted by the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH), Trondheim, Norway, May 8-11, 1989 /
Handbook of World Salt Resources /
Authigenic Minerals in Sedimentary Rocks /
Geomechanical Processes and Their Assessment in the Rock Massifs in Central Kazakhstan
Minerals Structure, Properties, Methods of Investigation : 9th Geoscience Conference for Young Scientists, Ekaterinburg, Russia, February 5-8, 2018 /
Metals, minerals, and society /
The world of mineral deposits a beginner's guide to economic geology /
The Golden Century of Oil 1950-2050 : the Depletion of a Resource /
Manganese Ores of Supergene Zone: Geochemistry of Formation
Laterite Genesis, Location, Use /
Generation, Accumulation and Production of Europe's Hydrocarbons III Special Publication of the European Association of Petroleum Geoscientists No. 3 /
TN260 .A43 1947 Elements of engineering geology / 1
TN260 .B27 1988 Ores and minerals : introducing economic geology / 1
TN260 .B3 1950 Economic mineral deposits. 1
TN260 .B33 Geology of the industrial rocks and minerals. 1
TN260 .B54 1989 Engineering rock mass classifications : a complete manual for engineers and geologists in mining, civil, and petroleum engineering / 1
TN260 .C8 Economic mineralogy : a practical guide to the study of useful minerals / 1
TN260 .D255 1881 A treatise on metalliferous minerals and mining / 1
TN260 .E27 Fiftieth anniversary volume, 1905-1955 / 1
TN260 .E28 Economic geology and geotectonics / 1
TN260 .E284 1981 Economic geology, seventy-fifth anniversary volume, 1905-1980 / 1
TN260 .E3 Geology and ourselves. 1
TN260 .E44 Applied geology / 1
TN260 .E45 General economic geology : a textbook / 1
TN260 .E5 The principles of economic geology / 1
TN260 .E5 1940 The principles of economic geology / 1