Call Number (LC) Title Results
TN269 .S364 1984b vol. 30 Computational neural networks for geophysical data processing / 1
TN269 .S364 1984b vol. 31 Wave fields in real media : wave propagation in anisotropic, anelastic, and porous media / 1
TN269 .S364 1984b vol. 32 Nuclear magnetic resonance : petrophysical and logging applications / 1
TN269 .S364 1984b vol. 33 Seismic amplitude inversion in reflection tomography / 1
TN269 .S364 1984b vol. 34 Seismic waves and rays in elastic media / 1
TN269 .S364 1984b vol. 35 Seismic while drilling : fundamentals of drill-bit seismic for exploration / 1
TN269 .S364 1984b vol. 36 Information-based inversion and processing with applications / 1
TN269 .S364 1984b vol. 37 Seismic stratigraphy, basin analysis and reservoir characterisation / 1
TN269 .S364 1984b vol. 40 Active geophysical monitoring / 1
TN269 .S37 Seismic stratigraphy : applications to hydrocarbon exploration / 1
TN269 .S373 1985 Seismic stratigraphy II : an integrated approach to hydrocarbon exploration / 1
TN269 .S384 2015 Structures Design and Degradation Mechanisms in Coastal Environment. 1
TN269 .S42 1983 Seismic exploration methods /
Seismic exploration methods
TN269 .S4813 Airborne electroprospecting with rotating magnetic fields / 1
TN269 .S49 Seismic stratigraphy / 1
TN269 .S518 1986 Shear-wave exploration / 1
TN269 .S518 1987 Shear-wave exploration / 1
TN269 .S524 Encyclopedic dictionary of exploration geophysics / 1
TN269 .S52415 1982 Exploration seismology / 3
TN269 .S52415 1995 Exploration seismology / 1