Call Number (LC) Title Results
TN408.F5 H5 Singatoka iron sands / 1
TN410 .A47 Gold! 1
TN410 .B36 1971eb Colorado's lost gold mines and buried treasure / 1
TN410 .E34 1984 Economic gold deposits. 1
TN410 .G65 2009eb Gold mining : formation and resource estimation, economics and environmental impact / 1
TN410 .K74 2016 The metallogeny of lode gold deposits : a syngenetic perspective / 1
TN410 .P58 1933 Milling methods and costs at the concentrator of the Premier Gold Mining Co., Ltd., Premier, B.C., Canada / 1
TN410 .P743 1983eb Precious Metals 1982 : proceedings of the Sixth International Precious Metals Institute Conference, held in Newport Beach, California, June 7-11, 1982 / 1
TN410 .R63 The Rocky Mountain gold miner. 1
TN410 .S53 2021 The shadow of gold / 1
TN410 .S8 1969 Gold : its beauty, power, and allure / 1
TN410 .S95 1988 Mineralogy of precious metal deposits : a symposium on the mineralogy of gold and silver deposits in Colorado and other areas : program, extended abstracts, and field guides : held at Metals Hall, Green Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, August 12-15, 1988 / 1
TN411 .G36 1989 Gold and other precious metals : the lure and the trap, or, The differential effects of the microcomposition of the ore on the process of extraction / 1
TN411 .G37 1993 Gold and other precious metals : from ore to market / 1
TN413.A1 E44 1986 Gold deposits guidebook / 1
TN413.A1 P73 1982 Precious metals in the Northern Cordillera : proceedings of a symposium held April 13-15, 1981 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada / 1
TN413.A3 B75 Treasure in the dust : enduring gold and silver's century of divorce / 1
TN413.A3 B75 1985 Treasure in the dust : enduring gold and silver's century of divorce / 1
TN413.A5 C8 Gold and silver : comprising an economic history of mining in the United States, the geographical and geological occurrence of the precious metals, with their mineralogical associations, history and description of methods of mining and extraction of values, and a detailed discussion of the production of gold and silver in the world and the United States / 1
TN413.A5 T55 1976 The miners / 1