Call Number (LC) Title Results
TN423.C7 W3 1949a Midas of the Rockies. 1
TN423 .C748 1859a The gold regions of Kansas and Nebraska : being a complete history of the first year's mining operations ; also geographical, climatological, and statistical description of the great Northwest ; showing an unoccupied territory of over one million square miles of rich country ; being a complete guide to the gold mines / 1
TN423.C75 B667x Red rocks to riches : gold mining in Boulder County, then and now / 1
TN423.G4 R46 1988 Gold fever : America's first gold rush / 1
TN423.I2 B3 no. 9 Geology and gold resources of Boise basin, Boise county, Idaho / 1
TN423.I2 S58 1938 Gold mining and milling methods and costs at the Gold Hill Mine of Talache Mines, Inc., Quartzburg, Idaho / 1
TN423.I2 W4 1983 Gold camps & silver cities : nineteenth century mining in central and southern Idaho / 1
TN423.I2 W4 2002 Gold camps & silver cities : nineteenth-century mining in central and southern Idaho / 1
TN423.I8 W4 Gold camps & silver cities. 1
TN423.N3 Diversity in Carlin-style gold deposits / 1
TN423.N3 A84 Distribution of gold and other ore-related elements near ore bodies in the oxidized zone at Goldfield, Nevada / 1
TN423.N3 G64 1982 Gold guidebook for Nevada and Utah. 1
TN423.N3 R33 1985 Geology of the Carlin gold deposit, Nevada : a detailed study of one of the largest disseminated-replacement gold deposits in North America / 1
TN423.N3 S37 Highgrade, the mining story of National, Nevada / 1
TN423.N3 S6 Placer mining in Nevada / 1
TN423.N3 T56 1985 Lode gold deposits of Round Mountain, Nevada / 1
TN423.N6 M4 1938 Gold mining in New Mexico / 1
TN423.O7 L6 1938 Gold mining and milling in northeastern Oregon / 1
TN423.W8 W8 A brief review of the South Pass gold district : Fremont County, Wyoming / 1
TN423.Z6 G64 Mining and milling methods and costs of the Golden Anchor Mining Co., Burgdorf, Idaho / 1