Call Number (LC) Title Results
TN443.A5 H93 1998 Copper for America : the United States copper industry from colonial times to the 1990s / 1
TN443.A5 L43 2009 Mass destruction : the men and giant mines that wired America and scarred the planet / 1
TN443.A5 L43 2009eb Mass destruction : the men and giant mines that wired America and scarred the planet / 1
TN443.A6 A5 1941 Production possibilities of the marginal copper mines in Arizona : a report to Mr. Leon Henderson, Director, Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply / 1
TN443.A6 A5 1957 Stories of Arizona copper mines ; the big low-grades and the bonanzas / 1
TN443.A6 B3 1983 Bisbee, queen of the copper camps / 1
TN443.A6 G76 1959 Gross copper content of all Arizona copper ores, 1949-1958 : copper recovered from all Arizona copper ores, 1949-1958 : comparative copper recoveries by periods from 1910-1958 : metal production of principal lead-zinc mining districts, 1956-1958. 1
TN443.A6 U51 1997 Draft environmental impact statement for Cyprus Miami Leach Facility Expansion Project, Miami, Arizona / 1
TN443.C2 A5 1948 Copper in California. 1
TN443.I2 G37 1930 Milling methods and costs at the Harmony mines, Baker, Idaho / 1
TN443 .I21.5 The copper deposits of the Seven Devils and adjacent districts (including Heath, Hornet Creek, Hoodoo, and Deer Creek / 1
TN443.M5 C7 Mining methods and practice in the Michigan copper mines / 1
TN443.M5 C73 Rock bursts in the Lake Superior copper mines, Keweenaw Point, Mich. / 1
TN443.M5 M85 Boom copper : the story of the first U.S. mining boom. 1
TN443.M5 R52 1905eb The copper mines of lake Superior / 1
TN443.M9 G55 The war of the copper kings : builders of Butte and wolves of Wall street. 1
TN443.M9 G55 1935a The war of the copper kings : builders of Butte and wolves of Wall street / 1
TN443.N3 K46 1955 Job descriptions. 1
TN443.P4 E9 Historical sketches of copper and lead mining in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania / 1
TN443.Z6 G2 A plan with proposals for forming a company to work mines in the United States and to smelt and refine the ores, whether of copper, lead, tin, silver, or gold. 1