Call Number (LC) Title Results
TN550 .C88 1764 Elements of the art of assaying metals / 1
TN550 .F9 1911 A manual of fire assaying / 1
TN550 .F985 1905 A manual of practical assaying / 1
TN550 .L717 The assayer's guide, or, Practical directions to assayers, miners, and smelters for the tests and assays, by heat and wet processes, of the ores of all the principal metals, of gold and silver coins and alloys, and of coal, etc. / 1
TN550 .L72 The assayer's guide, or, Practical directions to assayers, miners, and smelters, for the tests and assays, by heat and by wet processes, of the ores of all the principal metals, of gold and silver coins and alloys and of coal, &c. /
The assayer's guide or, Practical directions to assayers, miners and smelters, for the test and assays, by heat and by wet processes, of the ores of all the principal metals, of gold and silver coins and alloys, and of coal, &c. /
TN550 .M57 1873 A manual of practical assaying / 1
TN550 .R53 Notes on assaying and assay schemes; 1
TN550 .S65 Modern assaying : a concise treatise describing latest methods and appliances / 1
TN560 Introduction to Cut-off Grade Estimation. 1
TN560.A12 U53 Bibliography of literature on sampling to July, 1921 / 1
TN560 .B58 1993 Bitumens in ore deposits / 1
TN560 .E38 2022 Estimating ore grade using evolutionary machine learning models / 1
TN560 .G44 Geological, mining and metallurgical sampling : proceedings of meetings organized by the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy and held in London in January, 1972, September, 1972 and July, 1973 / 1
TN560 .G9 1982 Sampling of particulate materials : theory and practice / 1
TN560 .K4 The principles and practice of sampling metallic metallurgical materials with special reference to the sampling of copper bullion / 1
TN560 .N48 1981 New analytical techniques for trace constituents of metallic and metal-bearing ores : a symposium / 1
TN560 .P56 1989 Pierre Gy's sampling theory and sampling practice / 1
TN560 .P56 1993 Pierre Gy's sampling theory and sampling practice : heterogeneity, sampling correctness, and statistical process control / 1
TN560 .P56 2019eb Theory of sampling and sampling practice / 2
TN560 .R45 2014eb An introduction to cut-off grade estimation / 1