Call Number (LC) Title Results
TN704.U5 D9 Wiley's American iron trade manual of the leading iron industries of the United States, with a description of the iron ore regions, blast furnaces, rolling mills, Bessemer steel works, crucible steel works, car wheel and car works, locomotive works, steam engine and machine works, iron bridge works, iron ship yard, pipe and tube works, and stove foundries of the country, giving their location and capacity of product. 1
TN704.U5 P66 1982 America's valley forges and valley furnaces / 1
TN704.U52A23 2010 Iron and Steel : a Driving Guide to the Birmingham Area Industrial Heritage. 1
TN704.U52 C664 2001 A landscape transformed : the ironmaking district of Salisbury, Connecticut / 1
TN704.U52 C664 2001eb A landscape transformed : the ironmaking district of Salisbury, Connecticut / 1
TN705 Tundish Technology For Clean Steel Production.
Operations and basic processes in ironmaking
Flash ironmaking /
Inductive melting and holding : fundamentals, plants and furnaces, process engineering /
TN705 .A558 Contributions to the metallurgy of steel. 1
TN705 .B2 1917 The ABC of iron and steel : with a directory of the iron and steel works and their products of the United States and Canada. / 1
TN705 .B2 1921 The A B C of iron and steel : with a directory of the iron and steel works and their products of the United States and Canada. 1
TN705 .B52  
TN705 .B65 Physical chemistry of iron and steel manufacture. 1
TN705 .B658 Ferrous process metallurgy. 1
TN705 .B66 Ferrous production metallurgy / 1
TN705 .C55 1935 The metal-iron / 1
TN705 .C67  
TN705 .D45 1967 Foundations of iron and steel metallurgy / 1
TN705 .D49 Developments in ironmaking practice : proceedings of a conference organized by the Iron and Steel Institute at the Café Royal, London, on November 22-23, 1972. 1
TN705 .D82 1665 Dud Dudley's Metallum martis, or, Iron made with pit-coale, sea-coale, &c. and with the same fuel to melt and fine imperfect mettals and refine perfect mettals. 1
TN705 .D873 Metallurgie des Eisens. 1
TN705 .G3 The fundamentals of iron and steel castings. 1