Call Number (LC) Title Results
TN706 .R6 1920 Electric furnaces in the iron and steel industry / 1
TN706 .S7 The electric furnace for iron and steel / 1
TN706.5 Beyond the Blast Furnace. 2
TN707 Advances in molten slags, fluxes, and salts : proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts 2016 : sponsored by Extraction & Processing Division and Materials Processing and Manufacturing Division of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) ; held May 22-25, 2016, Seattle Grand Hyatt, Seattle, Washington, USA /
Carbide in special steel : formation mechanism and control technology /
Slag-steel reaction and control of inclusions in Al deoxidized special steel /
High temperature physicochemical properties of high alumina blast furnace slag /
Primary exploration of hydrogen metallurgy /
Metallurgical slags environmental geochemistry and resource potential /
TN707 .A34 1973 Agglomeration of iron ores / 1
TN707 .F47 Ferroalloys and other additives to liquid iron and steel : a symposium / 1
TN707 .I73 Pilot plants in the iron and steel industry : papers and discussions from the technical sessions at the Iron and Steel Institute Autumn General Meeting held in London on 30 November and 1 December, 1965 / 1
TN707 .J71 Notes on the use of anthracite in the manufacture of iron With some remarks on its evaporating power / 1
TN707 .P54 2002 Agglomeration processes : phenomena, technoIogies, equipment / 1
TN707 .S55 1965 Sintering and related phenomena : proceedings of the international conference held in June 1965 at the University of Notre Dame / 1
TN707 .S95 1963 Sintering and plastic deformation proceedings / 1
TN707 .S98 1963 Sintering and plastic deformation : proceedings / 1
TN707 .U96 Process simulation and control in iron and steelmaking : proceedings of a symposium / 1
TN707 .W53 1983eb Control and analysis in iron and steelmaking / 1
TN710 Physical metallurgy of cast irons / 1
TN710 .A4 Symposium on cast iron : held at joint meeting of the American Foundrymen's Association and the American Society for Testing Materials, Chicago, Ill., June 26, 1933. 1
TN710 .A42 Symposium on malleable iron melting. 1
TN710 .A544  
TN710 .B384 Effects and neutralization of trace elements in gray, ductile and malleable iron / 1
TN710 .B64 The structure of cast iron : a series of three educational lectures ... presented to members of the ASM during the twenty-eighth National Metal Congress and Exposition, Atlantic City, November 18 to 22, 1946. 1