Call Number (LC) Title Results
TN805.C6 E24 1983 Geophysical and lithological logs from the 1982 and 1983 coal drilling and coring program, Castle Rock 1/2̊ x 1̊ quadrangle / 1
TN805.C6 E58 1975 Environmental impact assessment for the proposed Colowyo Mine : Colowyo Coal Company / 1
TN805.C6 G37 1988 Geology and coal-bed methane resources of the northern San Juan Basin, Colorado and New Mexico / 1
TN805.C6 J66 Coal mines of Colorado : statistical data / 1
TN805.C6 J66 1976 Coal mines of Colorado : statistical data / 1
TN805.C6 K57 1979 Coal resources of the Denver and Cheyenne Basins, Colorado / 1
TN805.C6 K57 Spec Format Coal resources of the Denver and Cheyenne Basins, Colorado / 1
TN805.C6 K84 1990 Directory and statistics of Colorado coal mines with distribution and electric generation map, 1989 / 1
TN805.C6 R43 1989 Reconnaissance study of coal fires in inactive Colorado coal mines / 1
TN805.C6 R87 1983 Bibliography: coal resources, San Juan river region, Colorado / 1
TN805.C6 R87 1984 Analysis of the Colorado coal industry /
Forecast of Colorado coal industry, production, and employment, 1984-2004 /
TN805.C6 R875 1984 Forecast of Colorado coal industry, production, and employment, 1984-2004 / 1
TN805.C6 S73 1913 Fifteenth biennial report of the State Inspector of Coal Mines, 1911-1912 / 1
TN805.C6 S95 Summary of coal resources in Colorado. 1
TN805.C6 T74 1983 Coal bed methane potential of the Piceance Basin, Colorado / 1
TN805.C6 W47 The Yampa coal field of Routt County, Colorado : on the projected line of the Denver, Northwestern and Pacific Railway Company (Moffat Road) Report on the above to Mr. A. C. Ridgway, vice-president and general manager, by Mr. W. Weston. 1
TN805.C6 Z66 1997 Directory and statistics of Colorado coal mines with distribution and electric generation map, 1995-96 / 1
TN805.F6 F54 1964 Field guidebook to environments of coal formation in southern Florida / 1
TN805.I6 F8  
TN805 .J6 Proceedings of the Joint Convention of the Southwestern Inter-State Coal Operators' Association and the United Mine Workers of America, Districts 14, 21, 25 : convened at Pittsburg, Kansas, July 12, 1904. 1