Call Number (LC) Title Results
TN869.2.C53 -- A4 1989eb Oil Sands Scientist : the Letters of Karl A. Clark, 1920-1949. 1
TN869.2.H54 M33 1989 Pattillo Higgins and the search for Texas oil / 1
TN869.2.W35 A3 1994 From prospect to prosperity : wildcatting in Arabia and the Rockies / 1
TN870 Proceedings of the 2022 International Petroleum and Petrochemical Technology Conference /
Standard handbook of petroleum and natural gas engineering
AI and digital technology for oil and gas fields /
Unconventional oil and gas resources handbook : evaluation and development /
Fundamentals of petrophysics /
Practical onshore gas field engineering /
Essentials of flow assurance solids in oil and gas operations : understanding fundamentals, characterization, prediction, environmental safety, and management /
IoT for smart operations in the oil and gas industry : from upstream to downstream /
Advances in petroleum technology /
Oil & Gas Production in Nontechnical Language.
Heavy and Extra-heavy Oil Upgrading Technologies.
Quality tools and techniques in oil and gas projects /
Hydrocarbons in basement formations /
Sustainable materials for oil and gas applications
Surface production operations. design, construction, inspection, and testing /
Sustainable materials for transitional and alternative energy
Petroleum journals online
Proceedings of the International Petroleum and Petrochemical Technology Conference 2020 /
Proceedings of the 2021 International Petroleum and Petrochemical Technology Conference /
Petroleum science and technology : petroleum generation, accumulation and prospecting /
Handbook of Borehole Acoustics and Rock Physics for Reservoir Characterization /
The South China Sea : hydrocarbon potential and possibilities of joint development : proceedings of the EAPI/CCOP Workshop, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, 5-12 August 1980 /
Rules of thumb for petroleum engineers /
Introduction to petroleum engineering /
Petroleum engineering principles and practice /
Petrophysical characterization and fluids transport in unconventional reservoirs /
Surface process, transportation, and storage /
Instruments, measurement principles and communication technologies for downhole drilling environments /
Challenges in modelling and simulation of shale gas reservoirs /
Proceedings of the International Petroleum and Petrochemical Technology Conference 2018 /
Proceedings of the International Petroleum and Petrochemical Technology Conference 2019
TN 870-5 H86 1979 Petroleum geochemistry and geology. 1
TN870 .A264 2013 Oil and gas, technology and humans : assessing the human factors of technological change / 2
TN870 .A38 Advanced petroleum land management / 1
TN870 .A44 ch.12 sect.2 Manual of petroleum measurement standards. 1
TN870 .A45 no.49 Seismic expressions and interpretation of carbonate sequences : the Maldives platform, equatorial Indian Ocean / 1
TN870 .A45 no.52 Jonah field: case study of a tight-gas fluvial reservoir / 1
TN870 .A45 no.53 Seismic interpretation of contractional fault-related folds : an AAPG seismic atlas / 1
TN870 .A45 no.54 Energy : a historical perspective and 21st century forecast / 1
TN870 .A47 Report of a conference on sedimentation / 1
TN870 .A48 2004 Integration of outcrop and modern analogs in reservoir modeling / 1
TN870 .A48 no.79 The Circum-Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean : hydrocarbon habitats, basin formation, and plate tectonics / 1
TN870 .A48 no.82 Thrust tectonics and hydrocarbon systems / 1
TN870 .A48 no.86 Global resource estimates from total petroleum systems / 1
TN870 .A5 Report of a symposium on petroleum discovery methods ... / 1
TN870 .A615 1939 Finding and producing oil : a manual of information on the business of finding and producing oil : including a digest of laws pertaining thereto : and a list of persons, firms, or corporations engaged directly or indirectly in such business / 1
TN870 .B3 This fascinating oil business / 1