Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
TP1 .C34 |
Chemical industry directory & who's who. Chemical age. |
2 |
TP1 .C35 |
Industrial and engineering chemistry. Chemical and engineering news : "news edition" of the American Chemical Society. News edition. |
3 |
TP1 .C355 |
Chemical & process engineering : CPE. Chemical & process engineering. Chemical and process engineering and atomic world : CPE. |
3 |
TP1 .C36 |
Australian mining and engineering review. Chemical engineering and mining review. Mining and engineering review. Mining & chemical engineering review. Australian mining. |
5 |
TP1 .C363 |
The chemical engineering journal and the biochemical engineering journal. The chemical engineering journal. Chemical engineering journal. |
3 |
TP1 .C366 | Chemical engineering science. | 1 |
TP1 .C368 |
Chemtech. Chemical innovation. |
2 |
TP1 .C37 |
Chemical week. Chemical industries. Chemical industries week. |
3 |
TP1 .C44 | Chimie & industrie, génie chimique. | 1 |
TP1 .C521 v.43, no.8eb | ISCRE 10 : Tenth International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Basle, Switzerland, 29 August-1 September 1988 / | 1 |
TP1 .C55 |
Die chemische Technik. Angewandte Chemie. Zeitschrift des Vereins Deutscher Chemiker. Ciba symposia. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik. |
5 |
TP1 .C56 | Chemische Technik. | 1 |
TP1 .C6 | Chemist and druggist. | 1 |
TP1 .C62 |
Chemist & druggist directory and tablet & capsule identification guide. The Chemist and druggist year book. |
2 |
TP1 .C64 | Chimia. | 1 |
TP1 .D48 2000 | Scaling up : the Institution of Chemical Engineers and the rise of a new profession / | 1 |
TP1 .D78 | Du Pont innovation. | 1 |
TP1 .E44 | Electrochimica acta. | 1 |
TP1 .E449 | Chemical & metallurgical engineering. | 1 |
TP1 .E5 |
Environmental science & technology. Environmental science & technology |
2 |