Call Number (LC) Title Results
TP245.N8 The chemical biology of nitrogen /
Nitrogen fixation /
TP245.N8 C8 Fixed nitrogen / 1
TP245.N8 E64 Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen / 1
TP245.N8 G5 1916a Sources of nitrogen compounds in the United States / 1
TP245.N8 K5 The fixation of atmospheric nitrogen / 1
TP245.N8 M378 2004 Synthetic nitrogen products : a practical guide to the products and processes / 2
TP245.N8 M8 1931 Muscle shoals : a plan for the use of the United States properties on the Tennessee river by private industry for "the manufacture of fertilizers and other useful products" / 1
TP245.N8 N58 2023 Nitrogen-rich energetic materials / 1
TP245.N8 P35 The nitrogen industry / 1
TP245.N8 R69 1975 Nitrogen in the subsurface environment / 1
TP245.N8 .S264 2015eb Formation of silicon nitride from the 19th to the 21st century : a comprehensive summary and guide to the world literature / 1
TP245.N8 S5 Nitrogen in industry. 1
TP245.N8 W2 The atmospheric nitrogen industry : with special consideration of the production of ammonia and nitric acid / 1
TP245.N8 Z3 The significance of nitrogen / 1
TP245.O9 High pressure materials properties : magnetic properties of oxides under pressure ; A supplement to Landolt-Börnstein IV/22 Series / 1
TP245.O9 C3 Laboratory handling and storage of peroxy compounds / 1
TP245.O9 C63 1972 Modern oxide materials : preparation, properties and device applications / 1
TP245.O9 ebook El oxígeno : historia íntima de una molécula corriente / 1
TP245.O9 .M39 2018eb The Reduction of Elemental Chalcogens and Their Derivatives by Divalent Lanthanide Complexes. 1
TP245.O9 O94 2005 Oxide based materials : new sources, novel phases, new applications / 1