Call Number (LC) Title Results
TP248.65.F66 . M365 2015eb Nanoparticle- and microparticle-based delivery systems : encapsulation, protection and release of active compounds / 1
TP248.65.F66 M37 2000 Pandora's picnic basket : the potential and hazards of genetically modified foods / 1
TP248.65.F66 M37 2000eb Pandora's picnic basket : the potential and hazards of genetically modified foods / 1
TP248.65.F66 M526 2016 Microbial enzyme technology in food applications / 1
TP248.65.F66 M53 2015eb Microorganisms and fermentation of traditional foods / 2
TP248.65.F66 M55 2002 Environmental politics casebook : genetically modified foods / 1
TP248.65.F66 M65 1992 Molecular approaches to improving food quality and safety / 1
TP248.65.F66 M655 2018 Molecular techniques in food biology : safety, biotechnology, authenticity and traceability / 1
TP248.65.F66 N35 2015 Nanotechnology and Functional Foods : Effective Delivery of Bioactive Ingredients. 1
TP248.65.F66 N35 2015eb Nanotechnologies in food and agriculture / 1
TP248.65.F66 N358 2012 Nanotechnology in the food, beverage and nutraceutical industries / 2
TP248.65.F66 N36 2010 Nanotechnologies in food /
Nanotechnologies in food
TP248.65.F66 N36 2012eb Nanotechnology research methods for foods and bioproducts /
Nanotechnology research methods for foods and bioproducts
TP248.65.F66 N36 2017eb Nanoencapsulation of Food Bioactive Ingredients Principles and Applications. 1
TP248.65.F66 N49 2014eb GMO food : a reference handbook / 1
TP248.65.F66 N667 2017 Not for sale / 2
TP248.65.F66 N68 2023 Novel processing methods for plant-based health foods : extraction, encapsulation, and health benefits of bioactive compounds / 1
TP248.65.F66 .N684 2016eb Novel Approaches of Nanotechnology in Food.
Novel approaches of nanotechnology in food /
TP248.65.F66 P36 2014 Biotechnology in agriculture and food processing : opportunities and challenges / 2
TP248.65.F66 P43 2005eb Genes on the menu facts for knowledge-based decisions / 1