Call Number (LC) Title Results
TP318 .T4713 Thermodynamic and thermophysical properties of combustion products = Termodinamicheskie i teplofizicheskie svoistva produktov sgoraniya : handbook / 1
TP318 .V57 2000eb Vision 21 : fossil fuel options for the future / 1
TP318 .V8 1954ac Chemical processing of fuels : selected papers from proceedings of the Second All-Union Conference on Artificial Liquid Fuel and Gases / 1
TP318 ǂb .F835 2015eb  
TP318 ebook Facturas energéticas de los combustibles fósiles : dependencias y desigualdades / 1
TP318.3 .B36 2014 Buried sunlight : how fossil fuels have changed the Earth / 1
TP319 High-energy-density fuels for advanced propulsion design and synthesis /
High-energy-density fuels for advanced propulsion : design and synthesis /
Investigations into the combustion kinetics of several novel oxygenated fuels /
Climate crisis, energy violence : mapping fossil energy's enduring grasp on our precarious future /
TP319 .A45 2004 Alternative and oxygenated fuels / 1
TP319 .A56 Alternative technologies for power production : prepared for the Electric Power Task Force of the Scientists' Institute for Public Information and the Power Study Group of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Committee on Environmental Alterations / 1
TP319 -- .D73 2009eb Introduction to Fuel Analysis / 1
TP319 .D74 1987 Assessing the use of DOE's fossil energy information system / 1
TP319 .G372 1991 Gaseous fuels for engines. 1
TP319 .H42 1994 Heavy duty vehicles and alternative fuels : choices in future transportation. 1
TP319 .M34 2010eb Exhaust waste heat recovery from stationary engines using organic rankine cycles 1
TP319 .M67 2017 Alternative fuels in airport fleets : a synthesis of airport practice / 1
TP319.O565 B34365 Investigation of certain conditions for determining the ignition temperature of soild fuels / 1
TP319 .S36 2009 Fuels and combustion / 1
TP319 .S79 1990 Substitute fuels for road transport : a technology assessment / 1
TP319 .T55 1991 The combustion of solid fuels and wastes / 1
TP319 .T55 1991eb The combustion of solid fuels and wastes 1