Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
TP336.T664 W6599 | Influence of various factors upon the yield of by-products in the laboratory carbonization and semi-carbonization of coal / | 1 |
TP336.W376 W6599 | Effect of hydrochloric acid on the yield and certain properties of brown coal bitumens / | 1 |
TP336.W435 D484 | Development of a method for determining the porosity and fissuration of coke / | 1 |
TP336 .W54 | Coal, coke, and coal chemicals / | 1 |
TP336 .Z513 | Present methods of coke manufacture / | 1 |
TP339 |
The role of catalysis for the sustainable production of bio-fuels and bio-chemicals / Microbial biotechnology : energy and environment / Biofuels from algae : methods and protocols / Biofuel cells : the design and application of biological catalysts / Advanced biofuel technologies present status, challenges and future / Renewable energy systems from biomass : efficiency, innovation and sustainability / Biomass preprocessing and pretreatments for production of biofuels : mechanical, chemical and thermal methods / Microwave-Mediated Biofuel Production / Waste valorization for bioenergy and bioproducts : biofuels, biogas, and value-added products / Advances in hydrotreating for integrated biofuel production / Advances in bioenergy and microfluidic applications Energy from organic materials (biomass) : a volume in the encyclopedia of sustainability science and technology / Fuels, chemicals and materials from the oceans and aquatic sources / Research approaches to sustainable biomass systems / Fungi in fuel biotechnology Biofuels Engineering Process Technology, Second Edition / Recent developments in bioenergy research / Biomass, biofuels, biochemicals lignin biorefinery / Processing of biomass waste : technological upgradation and advancement / Handbook of algal biofuels aspects of cultivation, conversion, and biorefinery / Bionanotechnology to Save the Environment Production of biobutanol from biomass / Plant-Based Genetic Tools for Biofuels Production. Advances in biofeedstocks and biofuels. Biomass to biofuel supply chain design and planning under uncertainty concepts and quantitative methods / Biofuels production and future perspectives / Emerging biofuels : stationary and mobile applications / Pipeline coatings / Biomass supply chains for bioenergy and biorefining / Handbook of biofuels production : processes and technologies / Biofuels : technology, challenges and prospects / Research approaches to sustainable biomass systems Biorefineries Impacts of using biomass as an energy source in homes / Biofuels and bioenergy (BICE2016) : International Conference, Bhopal, India, 23-25 February 2016 / Hydrothermal processing in biorefineries : production of bioethanol and high added-value compounds of second and third generation biomass / Recent trends and developments in algal biofuels and biorefinery / Emerging sustainable technologies for biofuel production / Advanced biomass gasification : new concepts for efficiency increase and product flexibility / Sustainable biofuels development in India / Algal biofuels : recent advances and future prospects / Green fuels technology : biofuels / Biomass, Biofuels, Biochemicals Recent Advances in Development of Platform Chemicals. Biojet fuel in aviation applications production, usage and impact of biofuels / Waste biorefinery : potential and perspectives / Biomass, biofuels, biochemicals circular bioeconomy current status and future outlook / Sustainable biofuels opportunities and challenges / Research Approaches to Sustainable Biomass Systems. Bioenergy from dendromass for the sustainable development of rural areas / Technologies for biochemical conversion of biomass / Advances in energy from waste : transformation methods, applications and limitations under sustainability / Modeling energetic efficiency of biofuels production / Mycology : current and future developments. Green-economy systems analysis for sustainability / Sustainable bioenergy : advances and impacts / Gasification of waste materials : technologies for generating energy, gas, and chemicals from municipal solid waste, biomass, nonrecycled plastics, sludges, and wet solid wastes / Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Bifunctional Catalysts / Algal biorefineries and the circular bioeconomy. Bioethanol production : past and present / Biofuels and bioenergy / Bio-clean energy technologies. Fourth generation biofuels / Biofuels from food waste : applications of saccharification using fungal solid state fermentation / Biofuels and biorefining. Advanced Biofuels : Using Catalytic Routes for the Conversion of Biomass Platform Molecules / Fuel production from non-food biomass : corn stover / Production of biofuels and chemicals with ionic liquids / Microbial fuel cell : a bioelectrochemical system that converts waste to watts / Industrial enzymes for biofuels production : recent updates and future trends / Biomass and green chemistry : building a renewable pathway / Progress and recent trends in microbial fuel cells / Microbial fuel cell technology for bioelectricity / Sustainable biotechnology-enzymatic resources of renewable energy / Fungal cellulolytic enzymes : microbial production and application / Energy from microalgae / Biofuels and biorefinery. 3rd generation biofuels disruptive technologies to enable commercial production / Efficiency of biomass energy : an exergy approach to biofuels, power, and biorefineries / Lignocellulosic fibre and biomass-based composite materials : processing, properties and applications / Bioenergy : Part 2: Principles and Technologies. Microalgae-based biofuels and bioproducts : from feedstock cultivation to end-products / Biomass as a sustainable energy source for the future : fundamentals of conversion processes / Environmental management of energy from biofuels and biofeedstocks / Torrefaction of biomass for energy applications : from fundamentals to industrial scale / Biological Conversion of Biomass for Fuels and Chemicals : Explorations from Natural Utilization Systems / Biomass as renewable raw material to obtain bioproducts of high-tech value / Hemicelluloses and Lignin in Biorefineries. Biomass to Renewable Energy Processes / Microbial fuels : technologies and applications / Biofuels for aviation : feedstocks, technology and implementation / Second and third generation of feedstocks : the evolution of biofuels / Clean energy transition-via-biomass resource utilization : a way to mitigate climate change / New Biotechnologies for Increased Energy Security : the Future of Fuel / Biofuels from Fischer-Tropsch synthesis / Principles of biofuels and hydrogen gas production and engine performance / The role of bioenergy in the emerging bioeconomy : resources, technologies, sustainability and policy / Bioenergy. Volume 1 : Part 1: Principles and Technologies. Recent advancements in biofuels and bioenergy utilization Green nano solution for bioenergy production enhancement / Introduction to renewable biomaterials : first principles and concepts / Biomass, biofuels, and biochemicals algae-based biomaterials for sustainable development / Industrial enzymes for biofuels production recent updates and future trends / Biofuels and bioenergy : a techno-economic approach / Biomass-derived materials for environmental applications / Biochar from biomass and waste : fundamentals and applications / Advances in eco-fuels for a sustainable environment / Current developments in biotechnology and bioengineering. Clean energy and resource recovery. Biomass as raw material for the production of biofuels and chemicals / Advanced bioprocessing for alternative fuels, biobased chemicals, and bioproducts : technologies and approaches for scale-up and commercialization / Advances in feedstock conversion technologies for alternative fuels and bioproducts : new technologies, challenges and opportunities / Biomass, biofuels, biochemicals : microbial lipids : processes, products, and innovations / Near-critical and supercritical water and their applications for biorefineries / Waste biorefineries advanced design concepts for integrated waste to energy processes / Biofuels methods and protocols / Biotechnology in the generation of biofuels / Basic research advancement for algal biofuels production / Solar-to-fuel conversion in algae and cyanobacteria / Technological advancement in algal biofuels production / Sustainability of biofuel production from oil palm biomass / Biomass and biofuels from microalgae : advances in engineering and biology / Biofuels and food security : biofuel impact on food security in Brazil, Asia and major producing countries / Advances in bioenergy. Developing the global bioeconomy : technical, market, and environmental lessons from bioenergy / Biomass and bioenergy : processing and properties / Biomass utilization : conversion strategies / Biofuel production using anaerobic digestion / Progress in biomass conversion. Sustainable production of biofuels using intensified processes / Biomass and bioenergy : applications / Prospects of Renewable Bioprocessing in Future Energy Systems / Liquid biofuels : bioethanol / Char and carbon materials derived from biomass : production, characterization and applications / Biomass, bioenergy & bioeconomy Novel feedstocks for biofuels production Drying of biomass, biosolids, and coal : for efficient energy supply and environmental benefits / Biomass, biopolymer-based materials, and bioenergy : construction, biomedical, and other industrial applications / Sustainable Approaches for Biofuels Production Technologies : From Current Status to Practical Implementation / Advances and developments in biobutanol production Virtual biorefinery : an optimization strategy for renewable carbon valorization / Algae and environmental sustainability / Biofuels for a more sustainable future : life cycle sustainability assessment and multi-criteria decision making / The role of catalysis for the sustainable production of bio-fuels and bio-chemicals Direct microbial conversion of biomass to advanced biofuels / Nanomaterials in biofuels research / Bio-resource utilization and bioprocess / Explosion risk of solid biofuels Biomass gasification, pyrolysis and torrefaction practical design and theory / Bioenergy biomass to biofuels / Genetic and metabolic engineering for improved biofuel production from lignocellulosic biomass Application of hydrothermal reactions to biomass conversion / Bioenergy engineering : fundamentals, methods, modelling, and applications / Biokerosene : status and prospects / Lignocellulosic biomass to liquid biofuels Biomass valorization to bioenergy / Utilising biomass in biotechnology : a circular approach discussing the pretreatment of biomass, its applications and economic considerations / Black liquor gasification / Biotechnology for biofuel production and optimization / Adaptive and Intelligent Control of Microbial Fuel Cells Biofuel production technologies critical analysis for sustainability / Biorefinery of alternative resources targeting green fuels and platform chemicals / Microbial resources for sustainable energy / Bioenergy and biochemical processing technologies recent advances and future demands / Handbook of cellulosic ethanol / Biomass gasification, pyrolysis and torrefaction : practical design and theory / Sugarcane biofuels : status, potential, and prospects of the sweet crop to fuel the world / Advanced biofuels : applications, technologies and environmental sustainability / Refining biomass residues for sustainable energy and bioproducts technology, advances, life cycle assessment and economics / FEEDSTOCK-BASED BIOETHANOL FUELS. AGRICULTURAL, FOOD, INDUSTRIAL, URBAN, FORESTRY, AND LIGNOCELLULOSIC WASTE-BASED Evaluation and utilization of bioethanol fuels. Biomass gasification, pyrolysis, and torrefaction : practical design, theory, and climate change mitigation / Strategic planning for the sustainable production of biofuels / Introduction to Biomass Energy Conversions. Thermochemical processing of biomass : conversion into fuels, chemicals and power / Biomass to energy conversion technologies : the road to commercialization / Analytical methods for biomass characterization and conversion Microbiology of green fuels / Advanced Oil Crop Biorefineries. Biotechnology for biofuels a sustainable green energy solution / Bioenergy : impacts on environment and economy / Advanced energy technologies and systems. Renewable fuels for sustainable mobility / Biotechnological processes for green energy, and high value bioproducts by microalgae, and cyanobacteria cultures / Paddy straw waste for biorefinery applications Sustainable biorefining of woody biomass to biofuels and biochemicals / Waste to biofuel technology : future energy / Biorefinery and Industry 4.0 : empowering sustainability / Valorization of biomass wastes for environmental sustainability : green practices for the rural circular economy / Research Approaches to Sustainable Biomass Systems Bioethanol fuel production processes. Life-cycle assessment of biorefineries / Sustainable biofuels : an ecological assessment of the future energy / Sustainable biotechnology sources of renewable energy / Sustainable energy production using solid materials / Mathematical and statistical approaches for anaerobic digestion feedstock optimization Energy and sustainability : processes, modelling and optimization / Biofuels : production and future perspectives / Microbial strategies for techno-economic biofuel production Biomass-based clean technologies for sustainable development sustainable resources of energy production and utilization / Renewable biofuels : bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass by microbial community / Industrial oil plant application principles and green technologies / Simultane Planung von Standort, Kapazität und Konfiguration von Bioraffinerien. BIOMASS ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Biofuels : scientific explorations and technologies for a sustainable environment / Transformations to effective use : biomass power for the world / ADVANCED TRANSPORT BIOFUELS production, economics, and sustainability. Lignocellulosic ethanol production from a biorefinery perspective sustainable valorization of waste / Biomass, biofuels, biochemicals circular bioeconomy : technologies for biofuels and biochemicals / Biomass, biofuels, biochemicals microbial fermentation of biowastes / Microalgae as a Source of Bioenergy : products, processes and economics / Bioenergy : biomass to biofuels / Innovative energy conversion from biomass waste Biofuels and bioenergy opportunities and challenges / Handbook of biofuels Decision-making for biomass-based production chains : the basic concepts and methodologies / Sustainable development of biofuels in Latin America and the Caribbean / A-Z of biorefinery a comprehensive view / The Biofuels Handbook. Emerging technologies for biorefineries, biofuels, and value-added commodities / Bioenergy research basic and advanced concepts / Bioenergy research integrative solution for existing roadblock / Hemicelluloses and lignin in biorefineries / Biomass, Bioproducts and Biofuels. Innovations in thermochemical technologies for biofuel processing Global bioethanol evolution, risks, and uncertainties / Waste-to-energy recent developments and future perspectives towards / Biorenewable resources : engineering new products from agriculture / Biorefinery : from biomass to chemicals and fuels : towards circular economy / LIGNOCELLULOSIC BIOMASS REFINING FOR SECOND GENERATION BIOFUEL PRODUCTION Agroenergy : renewable and sustainable energy / Fundamentals of Biofuels Engineering and Technology / Energy from biological processes : Technical and policy options / Cellulases in the biofuel industry Biofuels, bioenergy and food security : technology, institutions and policies / Nanotechnology for Advanced Biofuels Fundamentals and Applications. Biofuels from algae / Substrate analysis for effective biofuels production Practices and perspectives in sustainable bioenergy a systems thinking approach / Alternative fuels and their utilization strategies in internal combustion engines / Bioenergy systems for the future : prospects for biofuels and biohydrogen / Sustainable radiation technologies in waste-biomass valorization : greener energy and high-value product generation / Delivering low-carbon biofuels with bioproduct recovery an integrated approach to commercializing bioelectrochemical systems / The microbiology of the drop-in biofuel production Biomass Volume Estimation and Valorization for Energy Biorefineries : design and analysis / |
297 |
TP339 .A23 2020 | Achieving carbon-negative bioenergy systems from plant materials / | 2 |
TP339 .A378 2013 | Handbook of Cellulosic Ethanol. | 1 |
TP339 .A38 2013 |
Advances in bioethanol / Advances in biofuels Advanced biofuels and bioproducts |
3 |
TP339 .A38 2016 | Advances in biofeedstocks and biofuels. | 1 |
TP339 .A383 2018 | Advances in Bioenergy. | 1 |
TP339 .A42 2023 | ||
TP339 .A436 2017 | Algal Biofuels / | 2 |
TP339 .A558 2020 | Bioenergy: Biomass to Biofuels and Waste to Energy. | 1 |
TP339 .B22 2014 2014eb | Biofuels production / | 2 |
TP339 .B34 2010eb | Worldwide biomass potential : technology characterizations / | 1 |
TP339 .B35 2013eb | Biorefinery in the pulp and paper industry / | 1 |
TP339 .B35 2014 | Black liquor gasification / | 1 |
TP339 .B355 2010 |
Biomass gasification and pyrolysis : practical design and theory / Biomass gasification and pyrolysis practical design and theory / |
4 |
TP339 .B37 2013eb | Biomass gasification, pyrolysis and torrefaction : practical design and theory / | 1 |