Call Number (LC) Title Results
TP390 .U5 1959 The beet sugar story. 1
TP390 .W27 Beet-sugar manufacture and refining / 1
TP395 .L36 2017eb Meanings of maple : an ethnography of sugaring / 1
TP399 Analytical techniques and methods for biomass / 1
TP405 Sorghum biochemistry an industrial perspective / 1
TP405 .H85 2010  
TP405 .O44 1857 Sorgho and imphee, the Chinese and African sugar canes : a treatise upon their origin, varieties, and culture, their value as a forage crop, and the manufacture of sugar, syrup, alcohol, wines, beer, cider, vinegar, starch, and dye-stuffs : with a paper by Leonard Wray, Esq., of Caffraria, and a description of his patented process for crystallizing the juice of the imphee : to which are added, copious translations of valuable French pamphlets / 1
TP414 .Q89 1996 Sweetness from starch : a manual for making maltose from starch / 1
TP415 Starch science progress /
Starch : advances in modifications, technologies and applications /
By the King a proclamation concerning the making of starch, and auoiding the annoyances thereby.
Functional starch and applications in food /
Starch : Chemistry and Technology.
Physical modifications of starch /
Starches for food application : chemical, technological and health properties /
Starch and starchy food products : improving human health /
Starch nanomaterials and food applications /
Advanced research in starch /
Starch in food : structure, function, and applications /
Traditional starch food products : application and processing /
TP415 .C43 1992 Small, medium and large-scale starch processing / 1
TP415 .H36 1995eb Handbook of starch hydrolysis products and their derivatives / 1
TP415 .K4 Chemistry and industry of starch : starch sugars and related compounds / 1
TP415 .L3 Starches and corn syrups, 1970. 1
TP415 .R24 1944 Starch and its derivatives. 1
TP415 .R242 1954 Starch and its derivatives. 1
TP415 .R242 1968 Starch and its derivatives / 1
TP415 .S73 1984 Starch chemistry and technology / 1
TP415 .S73 2018 Starch in food : structure, function and applications / 1
TP415 .S737 2018 Starch in Food : Structure, Function and Applications. 1
TP415 .S74 1987 Starch--properties and potential / 1