Call Number (LC) Title Results
TP968 .A285 2001eb  
TP968 .A288 1992eb Adhesives and coatings. 1
TP968 .A2887 2005eb Adhesives and sealants basic concepts and high tech bonding / 1
TP968 .A29 1983 Adhesives in manufacturing / 2
TP968 .A294 2008 Adhesives technology handbook
Adhesives technology handbook /
TP968 .A34 2005eb Adhesive bonding : science, technology and applications / 2
TP968 .A35 2005beb  
TP968 .A38 2010eb Advances in structural adhesive bonding / 1
TP968 .A45 2005 Adhesives, sealings and gaskets. 1
TP968 .A6 Glue and gelatin / 1
TP968 .A625 Adhesion : [papers] / 1
TP968 .A644 1965 Durability of adhesive joints / 1
TP968 .A654 2013eb Handbook of adhesive chemical and compounding ingredients / 1
TP968 .A66 1959 Symposium on adhesion and adhesives : presented at the third Pacific area national meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, San Francisco Calif., October 15, 1959. 1
TP968 .A765 Aspects of adhesion. 1
TP968 .B34 Leime und Kontaktkleber : theoretische Grundlagen, Eigenschaften, Anwendung. 1
TP968 .B424 2004eb Pressure-sensitive adhesives and applications 1
TP968 .B425x 2000 Pressure-sensitive formulation / 1
TP968 .B5 1961 The science of adhesive joints. 1
TP968 .B5 1968 The science of adhesive joints
The science of adhesive joints /