Call Number (LC) Title Results
TS1587 .A4 An industrial waste guide to the cotton textile industry / 1
TS1600 .I57 1970 Proceedings / 1
TS1615.G3 W3 Die volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung der technischen Entwickelung der deutschen Wollindustrie / 1
TS1615.G7 B53 2017 Fashionability : Abraham Moon and the creation of British cloth for the global market / 1
TS1615.G8 C37 1692 The case of the clothiers, weavers, drapers, mercers, and other dealers in the woollen manufactures, with relation to the aulnage 1
TS1615.P7 M35 1997 Sukiennictwo elbląskie w średniowieczu / 1
TS1615.U6 A7 Tops, a new American industry : a study in the development of the American worsted manufacture. The Arlington Mills. 1
TS1625 .D3 Wool, the world's comforter : a survey of the wool industry from the raw material to the finished product, including descriptions of manufacturing and marketing methods and a dictionary of wool fabrics / 1
TS1625 .N35x Wool in the United States. 1
TS1626 .D4 1973 Charlie needs a cloak / 1
TS1627 .P773x Principles of worsted spinning / 1
TS1628 .R72 The Scholfield wool-carding machines / 1
TS1629 Woollen and worsted woven fabric design 1
TS1629 .G54 2004eb Woollen and worsted woven fabric design / 1
TS1631 .V6 1948 American wool handbook : a practical text and reference book for the entire wool industry / 1
TS1631 .V62 Wool handbook : a text and reference book for the entire wool industry / 1
TS1650 .B87 2021 Silk : the thread that tied the world / 1
TS1650 .C35 2018 Silk through the ages : the textile that conquered luxury / 1
TS1650 .L4 The story of silk. 1
TS1651 .S9 Investigation of silk from Edsen-gol and Lop-nor, and a survey of wool and vegetable materials / 1