TS171.4 M382 2021
Mau / |
1 |
TS171.4 .M382 2021x DVD
Mau : [design the time of your life] / |
1 |
TS171.4 .M399 2012
Brand aesthetics |
1 |
TS171.4 .M43 2002
Mechanical life cycle handbook : good environmental design and manufacturing / |
3 |
TS171.4 .M49 2014
The art of product design : changing how things get made / |
3 |
TS171.4 .M49 2019ab
The art of product design : changing how things get made / |
1 |
TS171.4 .M52 1969
Group practice in design / |
1 |
TS171.4 .M55 2014eb
Millennial spring : designing the future of organizations / |
1 |
TS171.4 .M66 1994
Green gold : Japan, Germany, the United States, and the race for environmental technology / |
2 |
TS171.4 .M66 2012
Design is a job / |
1 |
TS171.4 .M72 1996
Applying TQM to product design and development / |
1 |
TS171.4 .M86 2012
Creative boot camp booster pack : designer set / |
1 |
TS171.4 .M873 2022
Research for designers : a guide to methods and practice / |
1 |
TS171.4 .N668 2007eb
The design of future things / |
1 |
TS171.4 .N67 2002
The design of everyday things / |
1 |
TS171.4 .N67 2013eb
TS171.4 .N67 2018
The design of everyday things / |
1 |
TS171.4 .O44 2006
Offjects : concepts and designs for a change of century / |
1 |
TS171.4 .O54 2008eb
Design reuse in product development modeling, analysis and optimization / |
1 |
TS171.4 .O8313 2020
The design thinking quick start guide : a 6-step process for generating and implementing creative solutions / |
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