Call Number (LC) Title Results
TS178.4 .B64 2005 The first snap-fit handbook : creating and managing attachments for plastic parts / 1
TS178.4 .B64 2005eb The first snap-fit handbook creating and managing attachments for plastic parts / 2
TS178.4 .B64 2016 The first snap-fit handbook : creating and managing attachments for plastics parts / 2
TS178.4 .B66 2005 Assembly automation and product design / 2
TS178.4 .C56 1990 Assembly line design : methodology and applications / 1
TS178.4 .C66 Flexible assembly systems. 1
TS178.4 .H36 2006 The handbook of manufacturing engineering. finishing, packaging, and automation / 2
TS178.4 .H66 1994 Chaotic and stochastic behaviour in automatic production lines
Chaotic and stochastic behaviour in automatic production lines /
TS178.4 .I34 2010 Frontiers of assembly and manufacturing selected papers from ISAM 2009 / 1
TS178.4 .I35 2012 Precision assembly technologies and systems 6th IFIP WG 5.5 International Precision Assembly Seminar, IPAS 2012, Chamonix, France, February 12-15, 2012 : proceedings / 1
TS178.4 .I35 2020eb Smart technologies for precision assembly : 9th IFIP WG 5.5 International Precision Assembly Seminar, IPAS 2020, Virtual Event, December 14-15, 2020, Revised selected papers / 2
TS178.4 .I39 2006eb Precision assembly technologies for mini and micro products proceedings of the IFIP TC5 WG5.5 Third International Precision Assembly Seminar (IPAS '2006), 19-21 February 2006, Bad Hofgastein, Austria / 1
TS178.4 .I56 1999 Intelligent assembly and disassembly : (IAD '98) : a proceedings volume from the IFAC workshop, Bled, Slovenia, 21-23 May 1998 / 1
TS178.4 .L35 2005eb Disassembly modeling for assembly, maintenance, reuse, and recycling / 2
TS178.4 .L6713 1989 Manufacturing assembly handbook 1
TS178.4 .M34 2011eb The disassembly line balancing and modeling / 1
TS178.4 .N54 2010 Standardized Work for Noncyclical Processes. 1
TS178.4 .N64 1997 Industrial assembly / 1
TS178.4 .N944 2013eb America's assembly line / 3
TS178.4 .O94 1984 Flexible assembly systems : assembly by robots and computerized integrated systems /
Flexible assembly systems assembly by robots and computerized integrated systems /