Call Number (LC) Title Results
TS544.8.G68 B48 2006 Time restored : the Harrison timekeepers and R.T. Gould, the man who knew (almost) everything / 1
TS544.8.H37 L39 The lost science of John "Longitude" Harrison / 1
TS544.8.W34 N67 2005 God's clockmaker : Richard of Wallingford and the invention of time / 1
TS544.8.W35N67 2006 Gods Clockmaker (e). 1
TS545 An introduction to modern timekeeping and time transfer / 2
TS545 .B545 De la mesure du temps; ou, Supplément au Traité des horloges marines et a l'Essai sur l'horlogerie contenant les principes de construction, d'exécution & d'épreuves des petites horloges à longitude : et l'application des mêmes principes de construction, &c., aux montres de poche, ainsi que plusieurs constructions d'horloges astronomiques, &c. / 1
TS545 .B87 1938  
TS545 .C62 2003 Watches tell more than time : product design, information, and the quest for elegance / 1
TS545 .D47 A supplement to the treatise of watch & clock-work called The artificial clock-maker ...
The artificial clock-maker a treatise of watch, and clock-work, wherein the art of calculating numbers for most sorts of movements is explained to the capacity of the unlearned : also, the history of clock-work, both ancient and modern, with other useful matters, never before published /
TS545 .D47 1700 The artificial clock-maker a treatise of watch and clock-work, wherein the art of calculating numbers for most sorts of movements is explained to the capacity of the unlearned : also, the history of watch and clock-work, both antient and modern : with other useful matters never before publish'd : to which is added A supplement, containing ... / 2
TS545 .D8 2013 The mechanics of mechanical watches and clocks 1
TS545 .G853 1868 A rudimentary treatise on clocks and watches and bells / 1
TS545 .H85 1673a Horologium oscillatorium : 1673. 1
TS545 .M5 1941  
TS545 .T213 Technology of watch production. : Tekhnologiya chasovogo proizvodstva / 1
TS545 .W67 1995 My own right time : an exploration of clockwork design / 1
TS545.8 .B6 1936 Your future and our school. 1
TS547 .H34 1963 Handbook of watch and clock repairs. 1
TS547 .U54 Ordnance maintenance : wrist watches, pocket watches, stop watches, and clocks. 1
TS549 .K67 2004 Marking time : collecting watches and thinking about time / 2