Call Number (LC) Title Results
TX511 .F678 2018eb  
TX511 .F68 1969 Metabolic aspects of food safety 1
TX511 .F73 1955 Human protein requirements and their fulfilment in practice : proceedings of a conference in Princeton, United States (1955) / 1
TX511 .H67 1998 Hormonally active agents in food : symposium / 1
TX511 .I46 2001 Rapid detection assays for food and water ; For food and water.
Rapid detection assays for food and water
TX511 .I55 1962 Chemical and biological hazards in food : [proceedings] / 1
TX511 .I57 1999 Rapid detection assays for food and water / 1
TX511 .M66 2003 Monitoring food safety, agriculture, and plant health : 29-30 October 2003, Providence, Rhode Island, USA / 1
TX511 .M66 2004 Monitoring food safety, agriculture, and plant health : 29-30 October 2003, Providence, Rhode Island, USA /
Monitoring food safety, agriculture, and plant health 29-30 October 2003, Providence, Rhode Island, USA /
TX511 .O24 Objective methods for food evaluation : proceedings of a symposium, November 7-8, 1974, Newton, Massachusetts / 1
TX511.R57 1997 Risk management and food safety : report of a Joint FAO/WHO Consultation, Rome, Italy, 27 to 31 January 1997. 1
TX511 .S85 1994 Sulfur compounds in foods / 1
TX511 .T44 1989 Thermal generation of aromas / 1
TX511 .W38 1975 Water relations of foods Proceedings of an International Symposium held in Glasgow, September 1974 / 1
TX515 .W4 The impact of the Food and Drug Administration on our society : a fiftieth anniversary panorama / 1
TX517 .W84 1996 Who's who in food chemistry. 1
TX518.W5 A3 An autobiography. 1
TX518.W5 B58 2018 The poison squad : one chemist's single-minded crusade for food safety at the turn of the twentieth century / 1
TX518.W5 N38 1957i The legacy of Doctor Wiley 1
TX531 Food safety for the 21st century /
Smart food safety /
Food structure and functionality
BSE, Vogelgrippe & Co. : "Lebensmittelskandale" und Konsumentenverhalten. Eine empirische Studie /
Physical properties of plant and animal materials.
Chemical contaminants and residues in food
Food safety in China : science, technology, management and regulation /
Food chemical hazard detection : development and application of new technologies /
Analysis of food toxins and toxicants /
Carotenoid esters in foods : physical, chemical and biological properties /
Food safety in China : a comprehensive review /
Food safety : researching the hazard in hazardous foods /
Valuing Food Safety and Nutrition.
Biofilms in the food environment /
Chemical Food Safety : a Scientist's Perspective.
Food fraud : a global threat with public health and economic consequences /
Residue reviews = Rückstands-Berichte : residues of pesticides and other foreign chemicals in foods and feeds = Rückstände von Pesticiden und Anderen Fremdstoffen in Nahrungs- und Futtermitteln.
Bioactive molecules in food /
Present knowledge in food safety a risk-based approach through the food chain /
Food structure : its creation and evaluation : Symposium : 44th Easter school in agricultural science : Papers /
Food safety : emerging issues, technologies, and systems /
Food structure engineering and design for improved nutrition, health and well-being /
Nanotechnology applications for food safety and quality monitoring
Foods of non-animal origin : chemistry, technology, inspection procedures /
Food fraud prevention : introduction, implementation, and management /
Sensing Techniques for Food Safety and Quality Control.
Risk management for food allergy
Food, energy, and water : the chemistry connection /
Chemical hazards in thermally-processed foods /
Emerging food authentication methodologies using GC/MS /
Food texturology : measurement and perception of food textural properties /
EFSA journal
FUNCTIONALITY OF FOOD PROTEINS properties, methods of assessment, modifications and applications.
Rheology and fracture mechanics of foods /
Emerging contaminants in food and food products /
Food Additives and Human Health
Food safety in the Middle East
Food safety and human health /
Make it Safe : a Guide to Food Safety.
Food safety emerging issues, technologies, and systems /
Handbook of food bioactive ingredients : properties and applications /
USDA nutrient database for standard reference
Functional nucleic acids detection in food safety : theories and applications /