Call Number (LC) Title Results
TX595.F47 Seafood safety, processing, and biotechnology / 1
TX595.F5 .A384 2013 Corn and grain sorghum comparison : all things considered / 1
TX595.F5 F57 2011 Flour and breads and their fortification in health and disease prevention /
Flour and breads and their fortification in health and disease prevention
TX595.F5 F57 2019 Flour and breads and their fortification in health and disease prevention 2
TX595.S42 A87 2014 Assessment and management of seafood safety and quality : current practices and emerging Issues / 1
TX599 .C4 The Almanac of the canning, freezing, preserving industries. 1
TX599 .I5 1965 Viande preemballee = Prepacked meat : problemes techniques et microbiologiques ; Oeufs = Eggs : pasteurisation, revetements, modifications physico-chimiques et bacteriologiques ; Volaille = Poultry : traitements, congelation, microbiologie : Commission 4, Karsruhe (Allemagne 19-21 mai 1965 / 1
TX599 .N4 no. 19-L Vitamins in canned foods / 1
TX599 .W45 Western canner and packer 1
TX601 Food preservation and safety of natural products
Fundamentals of non-thermal processes for food preservation /
Food preservation and safety of natural products /
Non-thermal food processing operations : unit operations and processing equipment in the food industry /
Food quality and shelf life /
Sterilization and preservation : applications of supercritical carbon dioxide /
Validation of food preservation processes based on novel technologies
TX601 .C48 The fundamentals of food engineering. 1
TX601 .D46 1970 The technology of food preservation / 1
TX601 .F44 1997 Polar journeys : the role of food and nutrition in early exploration / 1
TX601 .G74 2023 Green products in food safety / 2
TX601 (INTERNET) The treasurie of commodious conceits, & hidden secrets and may be called, the huswiues closet, of healthfull prouision. Mete and necessarie for the profitable vse of all estates both men and women: and also pleasaunt for recreation, with a necessary table of all things herein contayned. / 1
TX601 .L44 1989 Waste not, want not : food preservation from early times to the present day / 1
TX601 .L68 1969 Foam-mat processing of pulverized food stuffs I. : Factors affecting formation and stability of foam in some food articles / 1
TX601 .M53 2009 Microbiologically safe foods for the 21st century 1
TX601 .N2 1918 Home canning and drying of vegetables and fruits : with directions for making jellies and fruit butters and for fermentation, salting and pickling. 1
TX601 .P35 Manual práctico de la conservación y aprovechamiento de productos alimenticios. 1