TX643 .D45 2023
Postfeminism, postrace and digital politics in Asian American food blogs / |
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TX643 .R68 2012eb
Food and social media : you are what you tweet / |
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TX643 .T44 2002
Eat my words : reading women's lives through the cookbooks they wrote / |
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TX643 TX840
Cookery refin'd. Or, The lady, gentlewoman and servant-maids useful companion. I. containing the curious arts of dressing all sorts of flesh, fish, and fowl, various ways, after the newest mode; with their proper seasonings, sauces, garnishes, serving up, and carving. II. The experienced pastery cook, in all particulars. To which is added, the art of pickling fruits, buds, herbs, flowers, roots, stalks, &c. / |
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TX644 .A45 1999eb
Resource guide for food writers |
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TX644 .C67 2002
Cornbread Nation. |
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TX644 .F66 2017eb
Food, feminisms, rhetorics / |
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TX644 .F665 2023eb
Food justice activism and pedagogies : literacies and rhetorics for transforming food systems in local and transnational contexts / |
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TX644 .L56 1996
Writing about food / |
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TX644 .M386 2012eb
Aesthetic pleasure in twentieth-century women's food writing the innovative appetites of M.F.K. Fisher, Alice B. Toklas, and Elizabeth David / |
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TX644 .S65 2023
Season to taste : rewriting kitchen space in contemporary women's food memoirs / |
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TX644 .T57 2018
Inventing authenticity : how cookbook writers redefine Southern identity / |
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TX644 .V67 2014
The food section : newspaper women and the culinary community / |
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TX645 B57 2022eb
Recipe / |
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TX645 .C35
Colonial Virginia cookery / |
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TX645 .C534 2009eb
Menus from history : historic meals and recipes for every day of the year / |
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TX645 .C76 2019
Cook, taste, learn : how the evolution of science transformed the art of cooking / |
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TX645 .D7 1992
Du manuscrit à la table : essais sur la cuisine au Moyen Âge et répertoire des manuscrits médiévaux contenant des recettes culinaires / |
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TX645 .D88 2018
Look who's cooking : the rhetoric of American home-cooking traditions in the twenty-first century / |
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TX645 .K76 2015
Food and knowledge in Renaissance Italy : Bartolomeo Scappi's paper kitchens / |
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