Call Number (LC) Title Results
TX705 .D5 1997 The closet of the eminently learned Sir Kenelme Digbie, Kt. opened 1669. 1
TX705 .D53 1669 The closet of the eminently learned Sir Kenelme Digbie Kt. opened whereby is discovered several ways for making of metheglin, sider, cherry-wine, &c. : together with excellent directions for cookery, as also for preserving, conserving, candying, &c. / 2
TX705 .F35 1787 The London art of cookery, and housekeeper's complete assistant : on a new plan : made plain and easy to the understanding of every housekeeper, cook, and servant in the kingdom ... : to which is added, an appendix ... : embellished with a head of the author, and a bill of fare for every month in the year, elegantly engraved on thirteen copper-plates / 1
TX705 .G4 1675 The gentlewomans cabinet unlocked wherein is contained many excellent receipts for neat dressing of divers sorts of meats, both flesh and fish, with their proper sauces. Also directions for the best way of making pancakes, fritters, tansies, puddings, custards, cheesecakes ; and such like fine knacks, and other delicate dishes, which are most frequently used in gentlemens houses. 1
TX705 .I555 2022 In the kitchen, 1550-1800 : reading English cooking at home and abroad / 1
TX705 (INTERNET) The cook's guide, or, Rare receipts for cookery Published and set forth particularly for ladies and gentlwomen; being very beneficial for all those that desire the true way of dressing of all sorts of flesh, fowles, and fish; the best directions for all manner of kickshaws, and the most ho-good sawces: whereby noble persons and others in their hospitalities may be gratified in their gusto's. Never before printed. /
The compleat servant-maid, or, The young maidens tutor Directing them how they may fit, and qualifie themselves for any of these employments. Viz. Waiting woman, house-keeper, chamber-maid, cook-maid, under cook-maid, nursery-maid, dairy-maid, laundry-maid, house-maid, scullery-maid. Composed for the great benefit and advantage of all young maidens.
The Accomplish'd lady's delight in preserving, physick, beautifying, and cookery containing I. the art of preserving and candying fruits & flowers ..., II. the physical cabinet, or, excellent receipts in physick and chirurgery : together with some rare beautifying waters, to adorn and add loveliness to the face and body : and also some new and excellent secrets and experiments in the art of angling, 3. the compleat cooks guide, or, directions for dressing all sorts of flesh, fowl, and fish, both in the English and French mode.
The closet of the eminently learned Sir Kenelme Digbie Kt. opened whereby is discovered several ways for making of metheglin, sider, cherry-wine, &c. : together with excellent directions for cookery, as also for preserving, conserving, candying, &c. /
TX705 .K43 1671 A true gentlewomans delight wherein is contained all manner of cookery : together with [brace] preserving, conserving, drying, and candying, very necessary for all ladies and gentlewomen / 1
TX705 .K46 1653 A true gentlewomans delight. Wherein is contained all manner of cookery : together with [brace] preserving, conserving, drying, and candying, very necessary for all ladies and gentlewomen / 1
TX705 .M23 1683 The young cooks monitor: or, Directions for cookery and distilling. Being a choice compendium of excellent receipts. Made publick for the use and benefit of my schollars. / 1
TX705 .M39 1678 The accomplisht cook, or, The art and mystery of cookery wherein the whole art is revealed in a more easie and perfect method, than hath been publisht in any language ... / 2
TX705 .M39 1685 The accomplisht cook, or, The art & mystery of cookery wherein the whole art is revealed in a more easie and perfect method than hath been published in any language ... / 2
TX705 .M5 Five hundred new receipts in cookery, confectionery, pastry, preserving, conserving, pickling : and the several branches of these arts necessary to be known by all good housewives / 1
TX705 .M5 1734 Five hundred new receipts in cookery, confectionery, pastry, preserving, conserving, pickling : and the several branches of these arts necessary to be known by all good housewives / 1
TX705 .M812 1631 Murrels two bookes of cookerie and carving. 1
TX705 .M812 1650 Murrels two bookes of cookerie and carving 1
TX705 .M87 1641 A new booke of cookerie wherein is set forth a most perfect direction to furnish an extraordinary, or ordinary feast, either in summer or winter : also a bill of fare for fish-daies, fasting daies, ember-weekes or Lent : and likewise the most commendable fashion of dressing, or sowcing, either flesh, fish, or fowle : for making of gellies, or other made-dishes for service, to beautifie either noblemans or gentlemans table : together with the best and newest art of carving and sewing / 1
TX705 .P74 2017 Preserving on Paper : Seventeenth-Century Englishwomen's Receipt Books / 1
TX705 .R3 1675 The whole body of cookery dissected, taught, and fully manifested, methodically, artificially, and according to the best tradition of the English, French, Italian, Dutch, &c., or, A sympathy of all varieties in natural compounds in that mystery. Wherein is contained certain bills of fare for the seasons of the year, for feasts and common diets. Whereunto is annexed a second part of rare receipts of cookery, with certain useful traditions. With a book of preserving, conserving and candying, after the most exquisite and newest manner, delectable for ladies and gentlewomen. / 1
TX705 .R67 A perfect school of instructions for the officers of the mouth shewing the whole art of a master of the household [sic], a master carver, a master butler, a master confectioner, a master cook, a pastryman ... : adorned with pictures curiously ingraven, displaying the whole arts / 2
TX705 .R88 1658 The ladies cabinet enlarged and opened containing, many rare secrets, and rich ornaments, of several kinds, and different uses. Comprized under three general heads, viz. of [brace] 1. Preserving, conserving, candying, &c. 2. Physick and chirurgery. 3. Cookery and houswifery. Whereunto is added, sundry experiments, and choice extractions of waters, oyls, &c. / 1