Call Number (LC) Title Results
U55.Z5 A3 2005 When I was a soldier : a memoir / 1
U56 .U54a Army club system annual report, fiscal year. 1
U58 Eugene sustained yield units, ten-year timber management plan / 1
U63 1981x Small power production and cogeneration facilities : qualifying status/rates and exemptions : a rulemaking in docket nos. RM79-54 and RM79-55. 1
U101 Chinese Strategists : Beyond Sun Zi's Art of War.
El arte de la guerra /
Art of war /
The Art of War.
Del arte de la guerra
U101 .A34 1616 The tactiks of Ælian, or, Art of embattailing an army after ye Grecian manner 1
U101 .A73 1996 The Art of the warrior : leadership and strategy from the Chinese military classics : with selections from the Seven military classics of ancient China and Sun Pin's Military methods / 1
U101 .A9 1976 Traité sur l'art de la guerre de Bérault Stuart, seigneur d'Aubigny / 1
U101 .B27 1643 Military discipline, or, The young artillery-man wherein is discoursed and showne the postures both of musket and pike, the exactest way &c. : together with the exercise of the foot in their motions with much variety : as also diverse and severall formes for the imbattelling small or greater bodies demonstrated by the number of a single company with their reducements ... : whereunto is also added the postures and beneficiall use of the half-pike joyned with the musket : with a way to draw up the Swedish brigade /
Military discipline, or, The young artillery-man wherein is discoursed and showne the postures both of musket and pike, the exactest way &c. : together with the exercise of the foot in their motions with much variety : as also diverse and severall formes for the imbattelling small or greater bodies demonstrated by the number of a single company with their reducements ... : whereunto is also added the postures and beneficiall use of the half-pike joyned with the musket : with a way to draw up the Swedish brigade /
U101 .B27 1647 Militarie discipline, or, The young artillery-man vvherein is discoursed and shown the postures both of musket and pike, the exactest way &c. : together with the exercise of the foot in their motions with much variety : as also diverse and severall formes for the imbattelling small or greater bodies demonstrated by the number of a single company with their reducements, very necessary for all such as are studious in the art military : whereunto is added the postures and beneficial use of the half-pike joyned with the musket : with the way to draw up the Swedish brigade : as also Mars his triumph /
Militarie discipline, or, The young artillery-man vvherein is discoursed and shown the postures both of musket and pike, the exactest way &c. : together with the exercise of the foot in their motions with much variety : as also diverse and severall formes for the imbattelling small or greater bodies demonstrated by the number of a single company with their reducements, very necessary for all such as are studious in the art military : whereunto is added the postures and beneficial use of the half-pike joyned with the musket : with the way to draw up the Swedish brigade : as also Mars his triumph /
U101 .B27 1661 Militarie discipline, or, The young artillery-man vvherein is discoursed and shown the postures both of musket and pike, the exactest way, &c. : together with the exercise of the foot in their motions, with much variety : as also diverse and several formes for the imbatteling small or greater bodies, demonstrated by the number of a single company, with the reducements ... : whereunto is also added the postures and beneficial vse of the half-pike joyned with the musket : with the way to draw-up the Swedish brigade : as also, Mars his triumph : and in this last edition is added some breif instructions for the exercising of the cavalry, or house-troops.
Militarie discipline, or, The young artillery-man vvherein is discoursed and shown the postures both of musket and pike, the exactest way, &c. : together with the exercise of the foot in their motions, with much variety : as also diverse and several formes for the imbatteling small or greater bodies, demonstrated by the number of a single company, with the reducements ... : whereunto is also added the postures and beneficial vse of the half-pike joyned with the musket : with the way to draw-up the Swedish brigade : as also, Mars his triumph : and in this last edition is added some breif instructions for the exercising of the cavalry, or house-troops.
U101 .B27 1668 Militarie discipline, or, The young artillerie-man wherein is discoursed and showne the postures both of musket and pike, the exactest way, &c. : together vvith the exercise of the foot in their motions, with much variety : as also divers and severall formes for the imbattailing small or greater bodies, demonstrated by the number of a single company, with their reducements ... : whereunto is also added the postures and beneficiall use of the halfe-pike joyned with the musket : with the way to draw up the Swedish brigade : as also, Mars his triumph. 1
U101 .B64 A treatise of military discipline in which is laid down and explained the duty of the officer and soldier, thro' the several branches of the service / 1
U101 .B75 2018 Brill's companion to Aineias Tacticus / 1
U101 .C3 A new system of military discipline founded upon principle 1
U101 .C47413 1999 The book of deeds of arms and of chivalry / 1
U101 .C47433 2007 The reception of Christine de Pizan's Fais d'armes in fifteenth-century England : chivalric self-fashioning / 1
U101.C55 C54 1997 Qi Jiguang bing fa / 1
U101 .C6 1591 Approoued order of martiall discipline, with euery particuler offycer his offyce and dutie: with many other stratagemes adioyning to the same. ; Whereunto is adioyned a second booke, for the true ordering and imbattelling of any number so euer, with the proportions of euery battell, which best serueth in these our dayes of seruice. / 1
U101 .C66 1628 The prospectiue glasse of warre. shevving you a glimps of vvarres mystery, in her admirable stratagems, policies, wayes; in victualling of an armie, prouiding money to pay souldiers, finding out the enemies purposes, traps, and stratagems: ordering of marches, framing of battails, sundry fights, retreats, and the like, to auoid battell or fight. Furnished with argument to encourage, and skill to instruct. / 1